Brian, Axel and I went to Disney World last week. It was a short trip-Sunday thru Wednesday-but we all had a blast! Axel did great on the plane. We lucked out and got an extra seat for Axel on 2 of the 3 planes we were on. (we had a lay over in Detroit on the way back) The flight from Detroit (at least it was only 1 hour long) was tricky but all the other ones Axel did great. He loved having his own seat and played the whole way there. I thought he would sleep but No way! By time we got to our hotel it was 1am and Axel was still wide awake!
We spent one day at Magic Kingdom and the other at Animal Kingdom. Axel had a blast on rides like It's a small world, Pirates of the Caribbean, a Buzz light year ride and he loved the Animal Safari. We got to see a parade each day. Axel thought the characters were cool but from a distance. He liked waving to them but once they came close he wasn't sure about them. Some of the characters are so big so I don't blame him on being a little cautious about them. He ended up liking Jimanie Cricket, Thumper and Goofy. He even kissed Goofy and the Jimanie Cricket! (I know I'm spelling his name wrong) But Axel's favorite was Donald Duck. He LOVES him now. He has been carrying around his stuffed Donald every day and can't stop giving him kisses! It's super cute. The last night in Disney I had to share my bed with Axel, Donald and the yellow ball that Axel won at the arcade in our hotel. There hotel had a crib but Axel didn't sleep well in it. It was short trip but it was very Magical! The weather was amazing and we come home just in time to miss the winter storm. I have a ton of pictures-I just need to get organized and then I'll post some.
On a side note Axel is officially done with the bottle!!!'s been 6 days and nights with out one! Way to go Axel!!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Copy Cat
I have a funny story I had to share. Axel is such a copy cat these days. He will try to copy any thing you do from putting his own clothes on, feeding the dogs, the way I eat or talk on the phone. I knew this day would come but already?!
The other day I was on the phone with a friend from work. We were having a good talk-we were on the phone for maybe 20 minutes. In our conversation I happen to say some thing to her about wishing that "I had more balls." (meaning that I wish I was more daring related to a topic) Of course my copy cat picked right up on that one and before I knew it here's Axel in the back round "More Balls! More Balls!" He was saying it so loud that Lisa (the girl I work with) could hear it and or course he was repeating it over and over! Luckily he didn't know the whole meaning to the conversation but man....I sure do have to watch what I say around him. What a silly boy! I couldn't help but laugh so Axel thought that he was being so cute that he kept repeating it. He sure does amaze me daily, even if it's by repeating all the great things that mom says!
The other day I was on the phone with a friend from work. We were having a good talk-we were on the phone for maybe 20 minutes. In our conversation I happen to say some thing to her about wishing that "I had more balls." (meaning that I wish I was more daring related to a topic) Of course my copy cat picked right up on that one and before I knew it here's Axel in the back round "More Balls! More Balls!" He was saying it so loud that Lisa (the girl I work with) could hear it and or course he was repeating it over and over! Luckily he didn't know the whole meaning to the conversation but man....I sure do have to watch what I say around him. What a silly boy! I couldn't help but laugh so Axel thought that he was being so cute that he kept repeating it. He sure does amaze me daily, even if it's by repeating all the great things that mom says!
No more daycare
We have decided to try no daycare. We have been paying for full time daycare but only using about 1-2 days a week. So with the help of Grandma Ann we are trying it with out. Brian and I luckily have flexible schedules so we have been flipping our shifts to work around each others. Ann watches Axel on the days in between my night shift, otherwise Brian and I are on duty. We have done it for two weeks already and it seems to be working out. Axel just loves going to Grandma Ann's house and we are so grateful that she can help us. Grandma's rock!
Axel has started to get a little sassy lately. I don't want to say terrible twos quite yet but maybe that's what it is. He is a very good boy but he has started to get upset when things don't always go his way and he LOVES to throw his food. I can only give him a little bit of food at a time and then still half of the time it ends up on the floor. We started to try the whole 'time out' thing, but it is still a work in progress. He is just really starting to understand things and some times can't get his point across, he loves to try to do things on his own (no matter how long it takes) and he doesn't like to hear the word 'NO'. It's amazing how much language he has been getting. I swear he learns new words or meaning every day. I can't believe that he is almost two! Where has the time gone?
Axel has started to get a little sassy lately. I don't want to say terrible twos quite yet but maybe that's what it is. He is a very good boy but he has started to get upset when things don't always go his way and he LOVES to throw his food. I can only give him a little bit of food at a time and then still half of the time it ends up on the floor. We started to try the whole 'time out' thing, but it is still a work in progress. He is just really starting to understand things and some times can't get his point across, he loves to try to do things on his own (no matter how long it takes) and he doesn't like to hear the word 'NO'. It's amazing how much language he has been getting. I swear he learns new words or meaning every day. I can't believe that he is almost two! Where has the time gone?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
22 months
I can't believe that Axel is already 22 months old! Where has the time gone? I know it sounds cheesy but Axel sure is a blessing! He sure does know what he likes and what he does not like-and he will let you know about it. One of his favorite thing right now is to chuck things-like his dinner plate or a toy when he's done with it. I'm not sure where he learned that one but I think I could mop my floors daily. His newest word his "shadow". He just pointed to the wall the other day and said "shadow". Then pointed to mine and said "mom's shadow". I was like wow....yes that is my shadow! Where do they learn this stuff? Axel is really into all kinds boy stuff like trucks, tractors and trains. He had a doctor's appointment last week-he weighs 22 pounds and 6 ounces! He is officially on the charts at a big 4%!! Whoo woo! My big boy! We did make the big decision of turning his car seat forward. Gulp..I know...but he is forward facing and loving it!
Hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend. Axel and I hit the Cannonfalls downtown stroll and got a ton of candy! We went to Grandma Ann's and saw mom's friend Jackie on Halloween then headed home because it was kinda cold and dad wasn't feeling that well. (We are hoping it wasn't the influenza bug-we are hoping to keep that one out of our house!) Axel loved being able to carry around his light saber all night! All for now...
Hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend. Axel and I hit the Cannonfalls downtown stroll and got a ton of candy! We went to Grandma Ann's and saw mom's friend Jackie on Halloween then headed home because it was kinda cold and dad wasn't feeling that well. (We are hoping it wasn't the influenza bug-we are hoping to keep that one out of our house!) Axel loved being able to carry around his light saber all night! All for now...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Things Axel is in to...
I'm sure I could like of more but here are a few of Axel's likes and dislikes.
-He like to kiss and make it better-(when he has an owie-mom always can cure any thing with a kiss!)
-He will not eat any vegetables lately. He does ok with most other foods but any thing green touches his plate and No makes it's way to the floor quickly! He's getting better at meats but still is mostly chicken nuggets and hot dogs.
-He has started to like trains-he even says "choo choo" when the Thomas show comes on.
-He loves to harass our dogs by running after them and grabbing their ears and tails.
-He is such a copy cat-any thing mom and dad does he just has to try.
-He loves to throw stuff in the garbage and say "bye-bye" to it.
-He has become very interested in the toilet, but not for potty reasons-just to put things in there and say "bye-bye" to it. (the other day I found at least 20 hair binders in the toilet!)
-He loves being outside and some days it is really hard to get him to go back inside the house. I dread winter for this reason-mom is not a cold outside weather girl!
-He is very curious about bugs-of all types. He likes to try and touch them and if he can hold them in his hand and bring them to his mom! Yuck...boys will be boys!
-He has started to talk with two word phrase-like "Hi Momma and Bye Daddy"
-I know this one is bad but he still takes the darn bottle-or as he calls it "bobble" only at night and with naps-when he's at home, but he will not give it up. I know it's a power game because he doesn't do it at daycare-he drinks from a regular cup there! But once he gets home he knows how to play the parent's! We are working on this one...I guess we are comfort people..if it makes him happy. I'm hoping he will break himself from this one quick?!
-He loves tattoo's and loves when I draw one on his arm. He will look at guys arms to see if they have one.
-He really likes books. We read each night before bedtime. His favorite right now is Goodnight Moon. no matter what book we read we have to end it with that book.
-He still really likes shoes-on and off all day!
-He like to kiss and make it better-(when he has an owie-mom always can cure any thing with a kiss!)
-He will not eat any vegetables lately. He does ok with most other foods but any thing green touches his plate and No makes it's way to the floor quickly! He's getting better at meats but still is mostly chicken nuggets and hot dogs.
-He has started to like trains-he even says "choo choo" when the Thomas show comes on.
-He loves to harass our dogs by running after them and grabbing their ears and tails.
-He is such a copy cat-any thing mom and dad does he just has to try.
-He loves to throw stuff in the garbage and say "bye-bye" to it.
-He has become very interested in the toilet, but not for potty reasons-just to put things in there and say "bye-bye" to it. (the other day I found at least 20 hair binders in the toilet!)
-He loves being outside and some days it is really hard to get him to go back inside the house. I dread winter for this reason-mom is not a cold outside weather girl!
-He is very curious about bugs-of all types. He likes to try and touch them and if he can hold them in his hand and bring them to his mom! Yuck...boys will be boys!
-He has started to talk with two word phrase-like "Hi Momma and Bye Daddy"
-I know this one is bad but he still takes the darn bottle-or as he calls it "bobble" only at night and with naps-when he's at home, but he will not give it up. I know it's a power game because he doesn't do it at daycare-he drinks from a regular cup there! But once he gets home he knows how to play the parent's! We are working on this one...I guess we are comfort people..if it makes him happy. I'm hoping he will break himself from this one quick?!
-He loves tattoo's and loves when I draw one on his arm. He will look at guys arms to see if they have one.
-He really likes books. We read each night before bedtime. His favorite right now is Goodnight Moon. no matter what book we read we have to end it with that book.
-He still really likes shoes-on and off all day!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Summer Fun
Friday, September 4, 2009
So I forgot to tell you on my last posting where Axel was when we went on our camping adventure. I think I had so much fun adult time and I wanted to tell the whole story I forgot! Axel stayed at Grandma Ann's. He does so well with her. He had a fun filled weekend-he even got visits from cousin Ethan and Grandpa Bob. Thanks grandma for always helping us out and being just wonderful!
Axel has discovered a new fun word-"Tattoo"! He noticed his daddy's tattoo on his arm and then tried to find one on his own arm. Brian drew one on his arm last weekend and Axel loved it. He kept showing every one and saying "tattoo"! I'll have to get him some stick on's so he can have his own ink. Silly little boy!
Axel has discovered a new fun word-"Tattoo"! He noticed his daddy's tattoo on his arm and then tried to find one on his own arm. Brian drew one on his arm last weekend and Axel loved it. He kept showing every one and saying "tattoo"! I'll have to get him some stick on's so he can have his own ink. Silly little boy!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Hike-in camping
Brian, his uncle Peter and I went on a hike-in camping adventure last weekend. It was at Tettegouche State park. We had to pack every thing we would need and hike in 1.7 miles on rough terrain. (what ever was packed in also had to packed out) I didn't know what to expect with the terms"rough" terrain but it ended up being like a gravel road that was very hilly. (but it was totally do-able) Once we got to the camp site we had a cabin to stay in. The cabin was great-little log cabin with bunk beds, no running water (but there was a shower and toilet at the camp), a small fridge, a wood burning fireplace, a screened-in porch and oh yeah..mickey the mouse! We didn't see much of him but we did see his teeth marks once in our butter! (so we packed things aways after that) It was a great weekend. Brian whittled walking sticks, I spiked my coffee and Peter cooked all our food for us! (no sink so I had to wash the dishes on the picnic table outside-but I totally didn't mind washing dishes there-I had a lake view with the sounds of loons in the back round) On Saturday we ended up having this grand plan about going for a "little hike", you know only about 1-2 hours of hiking, well 5 hours later we ended up back at our cabin. The plan was to get to the waterfall and head back, but the falls were much further away than I had thought. I did whine a little bit on the way back, but I held my own and actually ended up having a blast! I only fell once, clung onto two rocky cliffs, saw a couple of frogs, 1 snake and a lot of amazing nature. I forgot my camera at my Grandma's the night before so I ended up buying a disposable one for the trip-it'll take a week to get pictures back. To sum it up the weekend was great-getting on a canoe, spending time outside with amazing nature and weather and a lot of hiking. I know it's a little crazy but I can't wait to go back next year!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
We have started the "MINE" phase. Lately every thing is Axel's! It doesn't matter what it is. He is very sweet about it but still it's "MINE"!
Axel had a weight check this week. We've been doing them once a month to keep a close eye on his weight. He weighs-21 pounds and 3 ounces. Still growing!!
Axel had a weight check this week. We've been doing them once a month to keep a close eye on his weight. He weighs-21 pounds and 3 ounces. Still growing!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Axel has begun his shoe obsession. (Shelly I know you'll understand this one!) He can't get enough of shoes. He will have me put his shoes on, then take them off, then get dad's shoes, put those on, take them off and start over with mom's shoes. He does the same thing with his socks. On then off, on again then off. It's funny watching him try and walk around in Brian and my shoes. Axel also has a new favorite pair of shoes. It's his first pair of Keen's-he got them for his B-day-but they are still to big for him. I made the mistake of trying them on him this weekend and now they are the only shoes, beside our shoes, that he wants to wear. Axel will also bring us our shoes and make us put them on. I have to say "No thanks, mom likes to be barefoot" and then show him my feet but he will just say "shoe" and still try and push shoes on to my feet. It's totally cute but it gets to be a long afternoon of putting shoes on and off.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Axel and I got to spend the last two days home together. I love working only 3 days a week! (12 hour shift-but only 3 days a week normally) Anyways we hung out at home, went to the park by the Lake and even had a play date with Morgan and her mom Lisa. (a lady I work with and one of Axel's future girlfriends) It was a fun 2 days just trying to enjoy the weather and some good company.
Yesterday I noticed Axel starting to make his 'I'm going to make a grumpy' face so instead of bringing him to his room to change his diaper I put him on the potty and..... after a little while HE POOPED!! On the toilet! Cool huh?! I know that he totally doesn't know what he did but I let him flush the toilet and I almost took a picture-next time I will! (Brian thinks I'm weird for that one but just wait I'll share the pictures once he starts to get it better at this potty stuff!) I think it'll take a while to catch him early enough with peeing but I'm going to try and work on getting him to poop in the potty now. Potty training what a fun new adventure to begin!
Yesterday I noticed Axel starting to make his 'I'm going to make a grumpy' face so instead of bringing him to his room to change his diaper I put him on the potty and..... after a little while HE POOPED!! On the toilet! Cool huh?! I know that he totally doesn't know what he did but I let him flush the toilet and I almost took a picture-next time I will! (Brian thinks I'm weird for that one but just wait I'll share the pictures once he starts to get it better at this potty stuff!) I think it'll take a while to catch him early enough with peeing but I'm going to try and work on getting him to poop in the potty now. Potty training what a fun new adventure to begin!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I don't know where he learned that?!

It's been a while since I've posted any pictures so I thought I'd catch you guys up on the happens of the summer. Summers sure do go by fast and we've been so busy.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Ear infection
I wrote last week how Axel wasn't feeling good all week. Well after waiting until Friday to bring him to the doctor's (we had an appointment already set up for a weight check) I find out that he has an ear infection. Poor guy! I feel like the worse mom for waiting until Friday to bring him in. We started antibiotics and numbing ear drops and now he seems to be feeling much better. I just feel terrible for missing that he had an ear infection. It's hard because he didn't have a fever since Monday, he didn't have any ear drainage and his ear wasn't red. (that what happens to my dog?) It's just hard when they are teething because then all the symptoms seem to relate to the teeth not another body systems that I should be reviewing! The most important thing is that Axel is back to his silly goofy self! We even went to the MN Zoo on Sunday with Grandma Ann, Tracy and Ethan. Last time we brought him there he couldn't walk yet so it was fun watching him take every thing in again. We had a great day, the weather was perfect and Axel passed out before we got to the car. I love planning a day of fun and burning Axel so hard that he can't help but pass out! (you know it's been a day then!)
Weight check-20 lbs 5 oz
What a big boy! :) So now the big question in our house is should we turn around his car seat? Don't laugh because this is a big decision! I say No way, the most recent research says don't turn them around until 2 years or 30 pounds. Brian really wants to turn him forward so he can see us easier, he could watch a DVD and to save the back part of our truck seats. I know I'm a little anal on the topic but I'm a child passenger safety technician at work and it taints me on the issue. Don't worry I'm not a crazy lady that will make my 13 year stay in a booster seat. (even though the new law is a booster until age 8 or 4'8'', which I'm sure my kid will be 8 before he's 4'8'') When did you all turn your kiddo's around? Am I being too crazy anal on this topic and should I just let Brian do it?! Share your thoughts if you want.
Weight check-20 lbs 5 oz
What a big boy! :) So now the big question in our house is should we turn around his car seat? Don't laugh because this is a big decision! I say No way, the most recent research says don't turn them around until 2 years or 30 pounds. Brian really wants to turn him forward so he can see us easier, he could watch a DVD and to save the back part of our truck seats. I know I'm a little anal on the topic but I'm a child passenger safety technician at work and it taints me on the issue. Don't worry I'm not a crazy lady that will make my 13 year stay in a booster seat. (even though the new law is a booster until age 8 or 4'8'', which I'm sure my kid will be 8 before he's 4'8'') When did you all turn your kiddo's around? Am I being too crazy anal on this topic and should I just let Brian do it?! Share your thoughts if you want.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
More teeth and words
Axel has had a rough week because of getting more teeth. He just got one more tooth on the bottom. So now he has 4 teeth on the bottom and 4 teeth on top. But the last few weeks all 4 of his molars started to come in! He was sent home from daycare on Monday for a temp. of 102.1. Axel stayed home with Mom on Tuesday and now today he is at home with Grandma. He hasn't been eating much, he's drooling a lot and the nights...I fell like I have a new born again. Axel was up almost every 2 hours for the last 2 nights. It was hard getting to work by 0730 today with broken sleep. The poor guy is just punky feeling. He wants to snuggle a lot, which I don't mind, but he's just not him self. I hate having to go to work when my little guy isn't feeling good. I'm sure a day at Grandma's is all the doctor would order!
Axel sure has started to learn lot's of words lately. (most of them are pretty clear, but I understand him) Here are some of his most used words-ball, onmower (lawnmower), bubbles, Jazz (our dog), EV (T.V.), bug, Hi, yeah and uh oh. I know that he was other words that he knows I'm just not thinking about them right now. It's crazy on how many words have been popping out of him. I'll be talking with him about some thing and he'll point to it and use the word! (bug was a new one just this week) Lately he has been really aware of his diaper. The second he is wet or dirty he will start to tug on his diaper. Should I start to think about potty training now? He seems so little, but I'd love to get get rid of diapers. I can't wait to start buying little boy underwear!! All for now...
Axel sure has started to learn lot's of words lately. (most of them are pretty clear, but I understand him) Here are some of his most used words-ball, onmower (lawnmower), bubbles, Jazz (our dog), EV (T.V.), bug, Hi, yeah and uh oh. I know that he was other words that he knows I'm just not thinking about them right now. It's crazy on how many words have been popping out of him. I'll be talking with him about some thing and he'll point to it and use the word! (bug was a new one just this week) Lately he has been really aware of his diaper. The second he is wet or dirty he will start to tug on his diaper. Should I start to think about potty training now? He seems so little, but I'd love to get get rid of diapers. I can't wait to start buying little boy underwear!! All for now...
4th of July
So I know that this post is late but I don't have internet at home and some times it is hard finding time to go use free wi-fi some where. I will post pictures as soon as I can also. We had a great 4th of July week/weekend. I didn't have to work the whole week before and even ending up not have to work Friday and Saturday of the weekend! We went to the big Cannonfalls fair at couple of times. Axel had a blast eating a ton of fair food, playing games, seeing all the animals and even going on a few rides. (here's the food list that Axel ate (with dad's help)-cotton candy, cheese curds, mini donuts, corn dog, dipin dots, french fires and pizza!) Needless to say over the weekend we all had our fair share of junk food! Axel did great being out and about all weekend. He loves people watching and seeing new things. Axel stayed up late enough to watch the fireworks too. He was partying hard that weekend. (it was 1030pm before he crashed on the 4th!) I wasn't to sure what he would think about the fireworks-we had some at Jason's house-you know the kind you have to buy over the state boarder! Once Brian and Jason started lighting them off all Axel would say was"More!". He loved it! We also made it to the parade on Sunday. Axel loved watching all the trucks and tractors that went by. We got to meet baby Murphy (Reagen) for the first time before the parade. She was beautiful! Congrat's to Ryan and Chrissy on their baby girl! It was a great weekend filled with family from out of town, fair food, seeing animals and trucks and just hanging out with the people we love. What more could we ask for?! (it was great to see you Aunt Jennifer and Aubrey-from Colorado)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
random fun
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Father's Day
Axel and mom cooked dad breakfast and got him a balloon and a card. I don't know about dad but Axel sure loved the balloon. I was surprised we got it home for dad with out Axel popping it.
Brian went golfing with his dad in the afternoon. Brian really hasn't golfed in about 3 years now, so I was happy that finally he was out on the course again. Hopefully it will help him get his mojo back just in time to start teaching Axel his swing! When Brian was golfing Axel and I went to visit my parent's and stopped by Great Grandma's house. Axel had a great time watching the chickens, petting the baby chick's and watching the fish they have in their pond. Axel thought it was super cool sitting on Grandpa's tractor but he started to cry once grandpa started it up! He wasn't to sure where that big noisy thing was going to take him. Then Axel and I met Brian and Jason for dinner at the Country Kitchen. (limited choices on a Sunday night in cannon falls) I was a little nervous since we didn't go for dinner until 800pm and Axel is sleeping by then most of the time. But Axel was happy so I thought I'd try it. He did great! He ate his Mac-n-cheese and even dipped his toast into Jason's Ranch dressing. Thanks Jason for sharing! When we got home I thought for sure Axel was going to crash soon....but no he was such a goof ball and stayed up until 11pm!! He was super happy-he was playing outside, reading books, playing with dad's new balloon and just being a silly boy...I guess the fun never stops on Father's day! I had a hard time putting him to bed because he was being such good boy and having so much fun with every thing.
Axel sure does soak every thing in these days. He knows how to throw stuff into the garbage, he loves harassing the dogs, he likes to comb his own hair and then mom's and he loves getting things for mom. (like when I ask him to find his white shoes..then he does and brings them back to me.) He also has learned some parts of his body. He knows how to point to his nose, mouth, tongue, ears, belly and he know where his diaper goes. He is such a goof ball when I say "okay Axel it's time to change your diaper" he will go get a diaper and start to push it in his groin area. He is such a smarty! Now if I can only teach how to get rid of the diaper and use the toilet! I'm sure I'll say this again but I truly think this is one of the most fun phases. He is really becoming a little person and it's amazing watching him learn each step along the way. Hope every one is staying cool in this crazy humid Minnesota summer.
Brian went golfing with his dad in the afternoon. Brian really hasn't golfed in about 3 years now, so I was happy that finally he was out on the course again. Hopefully it will help him get his mojo back just in time to start teaching Axel his swing! When Brian was golfing Axel and I went to visit my parent's and stopped by Great Grandma's house. Axel had a great time watching the chickens, petting the baby chick's and watching the fish they have in their pond. Axel thought it was super cool sitting on Grandpa's tractor but he started to cry once grandpa started it up! He wasn't to sure where that big noisy thing was going to take him. Then Axel and I met Brian and Jason for dinner at the Country Kitchen. (limited choices on a Sunday night in cannon falls) I was a little nervous since we didn't go for dinner until 800pm and Axel is sleeping by then most of the time. But Axel was happy so I thought I'd try it. He did great! He ate his Mac-n-cheese and even dipped his toast into Jason's Ranch dressing. Thanks Jason for sharing! When we got home I thought for sure Axel was going to crash soon....but no he was such a goof ball and stayed up until 11pm!! He was super happy-he was playing outside, reading books, playing with dad's new balloon and just being a silly boy...I guess the fun never stops on Father's day! I had a hard time putting him to bed because he was being such good boy and having so much fun with every thing.
Axel sure does soak every thing in these days. He knows how to throw stuff into the garbage, he loves harassing the dogs, he likes to comb his own hair and then mom's and he loves getting things for mom. (like when I ask him to find his white shoes..then he does and brings them back to me.) He also has learned some parts of his body. He knows how to point to his nose, mouth, tongue, ears, belly and he know where his diaper goes. He is such a goof ball when I say "okay Axel it's time to change your diaper" he will go get a diaper and start to push it in his groin area. He is such a smarty! Now if I can only teach how to get rid of the diaper and use the toilet! I'm sure I'll say this again but I truly think this is one of the most fun phases. He is really becoming a little person and it's amazing watching him learn each step along the way. Hope every one is staying cool in this crazy humid Minnesota summer.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Yeah!! Axel is finally walking-(the week that he turned 17 months)!!! Way to go dude!! We left town for the weekend and Axel stayed with Grandma. When we came home on Sunday Axel walked right across Grandma's living room and right over to me! He still crawls once and a while but he is really walking-with out holding on to any thing or using a push toy! How cool-I don't know if Axel realizes what a neat thing he learned but his momma is pretty darn proud of him!
Maybe his clothes will stay a little cleaner now or will they be worse? It seems like the last few months Axel always has stains on his clothes by the end of the day. I have never done so much stain treatments in my whole life! He is such a boy and loves to play with any thing that can make a mess. Once I get a chance I'll share some new pictures with my little man walking!!
Maybe his clothes will stay a little cleaner now or will they be worse? It seems like the last few months Axel always has stains on his clothes by the end of the day. I have never done so much stain treatments in my whole life! He is such a boy and loves to play with any thing that can make a mess. Once I get a chance I'll share some new pictures with my little man walking!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Stop biting my kid!
So there is a biter at daycare. Axel has been bite 4 times this month! Each one of them has really left a mark too! I know that he isn't the only kid getting bit but it still sucks that he keeps getting chopped by this one kid. I talked with the daycare ladies about it just because I hate for Axel to learn to bite when he's made or some thing. I know that it's a hard age and they really are learning how to express themselves but stop biting my kid! If the situation was switched I don't know how I would stop Axel from biting so I am hoping this little boy will learn that it's not nice and to leave my little dude alone! Karla at daycare said that if it keeps happening that we can move Axel to the next group. Well actually he should be moved at 16 months to the next group but the little dude doesn't want to walk yet and all the other kids walk in that room. Karla said that even if he doesn't walk soon maybe we will move him to the toddler room if the biting keeps happening. And once again....Axel got bit today! Poor guy. So as of June 1st Axel will be moving to the toddler room. How much you want to bet that he will be walking by then? No pressure Axel!!! I think it'll be a nice change for him to try the next group with kids that are a little older. One thing that is really fun is that his second cousin, Elliot Klavon, will now be in his room! It will be pretty sweet that they get to play together all day. I never would have thought that my kid and my cool aunt Mary's kids would be in the same daycare class. So next month will bring about some changes. I hope he does well with them.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
swimming lessons
Axel and mom started swimming lessons last week. We are doing them in Northfield because they are inside. I was amazed at how many towns do there lessons outside. I was afraid that it would be to cold this early in the year. (even though last Tuesday was 90 degree's out) Axel did great. Actually he was the only kid in class that didn't cry! He just giggled when the water touched his tummy. We started to work on splashing with both our hands and feet and attempting to blow bubbles. Axel tried twice to do this but ended up just sucking water into his nose but he still didn't cry. He just coughed it out and was ready to play with the water toys again. We have a total of 8 classes-it should be fun to see what he will learn.
Axel still isn't walking but he is getting there. He has started to take 3-5 steps in between things. I've moved all of my coffee tables way far away from the couch's so he has to work for it a little. I'm sure it'll happen soon. Axel loves being outside. He can't get enough of the grass and rocks. He is such a boy! He has also really become a climber. He will try to climb on any thing. Axel has an obsession with blowing his nose. Any time he sees either a Kleenex, a butt wipe or toilet paper he will start to scrunch up his nose (I don't know if that the best word for it-but he makes a blowing noise with his nose) and he will continue that until we give him one! He is so funny. (it took the girls at daycare a while to figure that one out!) He also loves his toothbrush. He has to "brush" his teeth every time that mom or dad do. One other thing that he has really gotten into is being barefooted. He will wear his shoes and socks just fine but once the shoes come off he wants nothing to do with his socks. He will pull off his socks and start to play with his feet. He so my child because I can't stand to wear shoes and socks. I think that's is it for now. Hope every one had a great weekend. I just got to work....all weekend.
Axel still isn't walking but he is getting there. He has started to take 3-5 steps in between things. I've moved all of my coffee tables way far away from the couch's so he has to work for it a little. I'm sure it'll happen soon. Axel loves being outside. He can't get enough of the grass and rocks. He is such a boy! He has also really become a climber. He will try to climb on any thing. Axel has an obsession with blowing his nose. Any time he sees either a Kleenex, a butt wipe or toilet paper he will start to scrunch up his nose (I don't know if that the best word for it-but he makes a blowing noise with his nose) and he will continue that until we give him one! He is so funny. (it took the girls at daycare a while to figure that one out!) He also loves his toothbrush. He has to "brush" his teeth every time that mom or dad do. One other thing that he has really gotten into is being barefooted. He will wear his shoes and socks just fine but once the shoes come off he wants nothing to do with his socks. He will pull off his socks and start to play with his feet. He so my child because I can't stand to wear shoes and socks. I think that's is it for now. Hope every one had a great weekend. I just got to work....all weekend.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Finger Painting!

Axel and mom got to have a whole day at home last week. We had so much fun. We played outside, went for a walk and did a little finger painting! It was so fun watching him figure out what to do with all the paints. Of course he had to 'sample' the paint and see what it tasted like! After lunch we took a 4 hour nap together! Axel sure does love to snuggle with his momma! Here are some pictures of our day.
Mother's Day weekend
Hope every one had a great mother's day! Brian and I headed up to Duluth, with out Axel, for the whole weekend. I wasn't sure what I thought about leaving Axel all weekend, but it turned out pretty good. I don't even think Axel new I wasn't there! Grandma Ann does a great job with him. Thanks Grandma!! Luckily Tracy let us use her cell phone so I could call a hundred times to make sure Axel was ok. Yes, I know we still don't have a cell phone! Sorry but I love it-most of the time-except when I need to check on my little dude. So thank you Tracy for letting us use your phone. I'm sure I won't have been able to relax as well with out being able to call or have some one call us. Brian and I just hung out, slept in and took naps all weekend! We seriously didn't do much at all. We had big plans but it was a little rainy so we took that as an excuse to be lazy. We ate a ton of food and slept. What more could I ask for?! Our house in Duluth got grafitti'd a few weeks ago. James, my brother, already had that cleaned up so we didn't have any real 'tasks' to keep us busy. So I guess thanks James for doing all the labor the weekend before so we could be big piles all weekend! We came home Sunday afternoon and went out to dinner at Goerge's pizza in Northfield with the Rapp clan. The greeks make the best pizza ever! Nothing compares to it! It was a good weekend!
Axel said the word ball yesterday. We were playing catch and as I was throwing/rolling it back to him he pointed at it and said "ball"!! It so fun watching him learn. He is also getting another tooth. So now he'll have 4 on top and 3 on the bottom! Such a big boy. So... the little terd doesn't walk yet! He is 16 months old now. His doctor said not to worry that some kids just take there time, but come on dude!! The thing is he is crazy active, it's not like he doesn't get around. He walks holding things-even the smallest wobbly thing there is-but he just won't do it on his own. He can even climb on to the couch and jump up and down on the couch...but he won't walk! I think he is playing me. I wonder if he walks at daycare? I no that he doesn't take a bottle any more at day care, but he insists on having a bottle at home. I know that he knows that I want him to walk, so I think he's just fine taking his sweet time. It's crazy how smart they are and how quick they can play there parent's. I even switched his shoes thinking that might help? I know that there is nothing to worry about-I mean it'll happen-but it seems like it is so much later than every one else! Some times I guess you just have to talk about it to reassure yourself.
Axel said the word ball yesterday. We were playing catch and as I was throwing/rolling it back to him he pointed at it and said "ball"!! It so fun watching him learn. He is also getting another tooth. So now he'll have 4 on top and 3 on the bottom! Such a big boy. So... the little terd doesn't walk yet! He is 16 months old now. His doctor said not to worry that some kids just take there time, but come on dude!! The thing is he is crazy active, it's not like he doesn't get around. He walks holding things-even the smallest wobbly thing there is-but he just won't do it on his own. He can even climb on to the couch and jump up and down on the couch...but he won't walk! I think he is playing me. I wonder if he walks at daycare? I no that he doesn't take a bottle any more at day care, but he insists on having a bottle at home. I know that he knows that I want him to walk, so I think he's just fine taking his sweet time. It's crazy how smart they are and how quick they can play there parent's. I even switched his shoes thinking that might help? I know that there is nothing to worry about-I mean it'll happen-but it seems like it is so much later than every one else! Some times I guess you just have to talk about it to reassure yourself.
Friday, April 17, 2009
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