Axel and Ethan at the MN Zoo

Riding the Monorail

Say "cheese"-Axel's new favorite word.

Taking an icecream break at the Zoo-check out his feet on the table!
I don't know where he learned that?!

Playing in the water at the MN Zoo

Axel and dad playing in the caves.

Farm animals at the Zoo.

What's down there Ethan?

4th of July-Axel, Aubery and Ethan.

Waiting for the parade.

Axel and mom on the slides. Axel giggled the whole way down. Mom held on tight!

He wasn't to sure about this one right away but then really liked it.

Fair food-gotta love cotton candy!

Ethan and Axel watching dad mow the lawn at Grandma's

Axel loved all the animals at the fair

Playing at the park.

It's been a while since I've posted any pictures so I thought I'd catch you guys up on the happens of the summer. Summers sure do go by fast and we've been so busy.
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