Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Axel has begun his shoe obsession. (Shelly I know you'll understand this one!) He can't get enough of shoes. He will have me put his shoes on, then take them off, then get dad's shoes, put those on, take them off and start over with mom's shoes. He does the same thing with his socks. On then off, on again then off. It's funny watching him try and walk around in Brian and my shoes. Axel also has a new favorite pair of shoes. It's his first pair of Keen's-he got them for his B-day-but they are still to big for him. I made the mistake of trying them on him this weekend and now they are the only shoes, beside our shoes, that he wants to wear. Axel will also bring us our shoes and make us put them on. I have to say "No thanks, mom likes to be barefoot" and then show him my feet but he will just say "shoe" and still try and push shoes on to my feet. It's totally cute but it gets to be a long afternoon of putting shoes on and off.

1 comment:

Shelly Pagel said...

I totally get it-- Henry still loves Brendon's shoes and my shoes and makes you take his on and off too... funny how these boys are!