Axel has had a rough week because of getting more teeth. He just got one more tooth on the bottom. So now he has 4 teeth on the bottom and 4 teeth on top. But the last few weeks all 4 of his molars started to come in! He was sent home from daycare on Monday for a temp. of 102.1. Axel stayed home with Mom on Tuesday and now today he is at home with Grandma. He hasn't been eating much, he's drooling a lot and the nights...I fell like I have a new born again. Axel was up almost every 2 hours for the last 2 nights. It was hard getting to work by 0730 today with broken sleep. The poor guy is just punky feeling. He wants to snuggle a lot, which I don't mind, but he's just not him self. I hate having to go to work when my little guy isn't feeling good. I'm sure a day at Grandma's is all the doctor would order!
Axel sure has started to learn lot's of words lately. (most of them are pretty clear, but I understand him) Here are some of his most used words-ball, onmower (lawnmower), bubbles, Jazz (our dog), EV (T.V.), bug, Hi, yeah and uh oh. I know that he was other words that he knows I'm just not thinking about them right now. It's crazy on how many words have been popping out of him. I'll be talking with him about some thing and he'll point to it and use the word! (bug was a new one just this week) Lately he has been really aware of his diaper. The second he is wet or dirty he will start to tug on his diaper. Should I start to think about potty training now? He seems so little, but I'd love to get get rid of diapers. I can't wait to start buying little boy underwear!! All for now...
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