So I guess it's the season for little ones to be sick! Axel was not feeling well all last weekend. He was having issues with the milk-or so I thought until he had loose stools all weekend. I know it sounds sick (I'm a nurse so nothing grosses me out!) but the poor dude would have at least 8 crazy loose stools a day. Luckily when we went shopping he waited until we got home! Then on Sunday he had a low grade temp. of 100.4. You would have never known that he was sick all weekend. He was his happy content self but man he went thru the diapers! Any ways... by Monday his fever was gone and so was all the poo. I called the nurse line at Mayo on Sunday night just in case and it sounds like it was just virus that he was fighting. So now I'm unsure about the milk issue? Do I restart attempting to introduce milk or do I wait? Was the rash on his tummy related to the tummy and poo issues? Maybe I'll wait to talk to his doctor again... It sure is stressful being in charge of some one. I thought dogs were alot of work!
One super cool thing that Axel learned just last week was to really say mom! He says it like 'mum'. Okay I think I've heard him make little noises that sound like he's saying mom, but this was the real deal! I was eating dinner and he was crawling by my legs and he looked up, grabbed my pant leg and said mum! So cool!!! Oh... he also learned how to give high five. It's so much fun to see all the stuff he keeps learning. I can't wait to see how he reacts to Xmas! We have a cookie baking day at my mom's this weekend so I'm sure I'll have some new things to share.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
So we went to visit Santa last weekend. Axel did great until he actually had to sit by Santa. Then he started crying and made mom get in the picture with him! I was not ready to be in a picture on an early Sunday morning, but it's all in fun right?! I have a better picture of the three of us but my little USB thingy broke so I can't share the one I scanned-I'll work on it! (in that picture you can actually see Axel's tears going down his cheeks!) Other wise Axel did great as mom and dad did all their Christmas shopping in one day. He actually fell asleep while we were crusing around the mall. He loves just watching people. The other pictures I posted are just Axel playing around the house in just his diaper and with his big teddy bear-that I couldn't wait for Christmas to give him.

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tummy giggles and rashes..
Axel got sent home from daycare twice in the last two weeks because he had a small pinpoint red rash on his tummy. Of course the first time it happened I just blew it off and decided to watch it for a night.(he only had like 7 little hives on his tummy when I got home) Well the next morning it was gone so I didn't think about it again until he got sent home from daycare again yesterday. So dad came home from work and brought him to the doctor's. His doctor checked him out and said that she thinks that it's a slight food allergy. Axel rocks at eating table foods so it's hard to figure our what it is but after thinking about it for a while I started making Axel's bottles with half of whole milk-like 2 weeks ago. So maybe it's milk? The doctor said that it didn't seem too bad, to keep an eye on it and not to necessarily change any thing. I was so happy to get rid of formula.... but we'll just have to keep watching.
On to tummy giggles. I LOVE babies giggles. They are so real and they come all the way from the depths of their tummies. They are way to cute!! Axel has really started to find his own little personality. It's weird to say that because not to long ago he was just a little blob of baby and now he's starting to become a little person. So dad and Axel found a new game. If you stick your hand by his mouth he will kinda bite your hand-or sorta chop on to your hand. Once you say OUCH he will giggle so hard! I know it's a bad habit to teach-biting some one and laughing-but once Brian said OUCH and Axel started laughing I couldn't help but giggle also. It's so cool to see him find things that he thinks are funny on his own. (even if it's biting on to some one's hand) Don't worry I won't laugh if he bites your kids!!!
On to tummy giggles. I LOVE babies giggles. They are so real and they come all the way from the depths of their tummies. They are way to cute!! Axel has really started to find his own little personality. It's weird to say that because not to long ago he was just a little blob of baby and now he's starting to become a little person. So dad and Axel found a new game. If you stick your hand by his mouth he will kinda bite your hand-or sorta chop on to your hand. Once you say OUCH he will giggle so hard! I know it's a bad habit to teach-biting some one and laughing-but once Brian said OUCH and Axel started laughing I couldn't help but giggle also. It's so cool to see him find things that he thinks are funny on his own. (even if it's biting on to some one's hand) Don't worry I won't laugh if he bites your kids!!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Tupperware cupboard

Here's a few new pictures for you guys. Some examples of how much fun he has in the tupperware cupboard and how he crawls around with his blanket in his mouth(he does this all the time). He is such a blanket baby. He also has has SO much hair now! It's crazy in the morning. I need to learn how to style a little boys hair.
11 months old!
I can't believe that Axel is only 1 month away from being 1 year old!! Where has this year gone? He has changed so much over the last 11 months. He loves to crawl after the dogs and is getting really good at walking along things. (like the cupboards and coffee tables) I try and help him walk towards me but he will aways go back down to his knees because he knows that he is faster that way. Axel loves taking baths-he splashes around, sucks on a washcloth and thinks that the face he sees in the drain is super funny. (you know the sliver circle that is right under that facuet-that's the part that he can see himself in and will giggle every time he brings his face close to it) It's super cute.
Just like most kids Axel loves the tupperware cupboard. I introduced it to him a little while ago and now he loves taking every single piece out. As you can tell from my pictures it's hard to keep my floors clean.
We had our first Thanksgiving. of course I forgot my camera-but Axel did really good at trying a bunch of new food. He really liked stuffing and cranberries. He is always a little shy when he is around a big group of people and get's a little clingy to his mom, but he did warm up and before we knew it he was truckin around Great Grandma Bev's house.
I'll try and update more often so you can get the play by plays....
Hope you are all staying warm!
Just like most kids Axel loves the tupperware cupboard. I introduced it to him a little while ago and now he loves taking every single piece out. As you can tell from my pictures it's hard to keep my floors clean.
We had our first Thanksgiving. of course I forgot my camera-but Axel did really good at trying a bunch of new food. He really liked stuffing and cranberries. He is always a little shy when he is around a big group of people and get's a little clingy to his mom, but he did warm up and before we knew it he was truckin around Great Grandma Bev's house.
I'll try and update more often so you can get the play by plays....
Hope you are all staying warm!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
New talent's!
Okay, so I know it's been a while since we've posted any thing. Man life gets busy and it sucks when my email at home doesn't work when I want it to! Anyways... Axel had his first Halloween. He was a monkey and hated his costume. I think it made him mad that he couldn't use his hands to crawl and pull up on things. I think he looked super cute. Brian and I actually ditched Axel at grandma Ann's and went to party in the cities. (I know how terrible huh?...) But he's pretty little and next year we'll be all about the candy! (Thanks grandma-you rule!!)
Axel is now 10 months old! Can you believe it?! He is so much fun. He crawls like a mad man and has been pulling himself up on every thing and likes to walk around the furniture. No steps on his own yet, but he's working on it. Daycare has been going really good. He likes his teachers and has been learning a ton by watching all the kids there.
He can now drink out of a sippy cup! I've been trying it at home for a while now and the little terd wouldn't do it for me unless I was holding the cup, but at daycare they have been giving him one with meals and he takes it like a champ. (I think it helped him to watch the other kids do it.) So they other day I tried it at home and sure as heck it picked it right up and started drinking out of it! Way to go dude!! I can't wait to totally get rid of the bottle. I'm sure it'll be a while but we are on our way. The other trick that Axel has learned is to put his finger in his nose! I don't know where he learned that but he's thinks it's hilarious. I had to take pictures of him doing it the other day. (while he was making a good mess of his dinner.) He can also finally say Momma! He actually said it as he was crawling to me! I love it, enough if Da-da was his first word. Okay I won't ramble on forever but one other thing he does now is give kisses. Big wet ones on your cheek. Way too cute. All for know!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Daycare and doctor's appointment

So Axel started daycare this week. He seems to be doing great. (and I am doing much better about the idea also.) He has been exploring the new place, playing with all the new toys and meeting all of his new buddies. He has four other kids in his room and two main teachers Kelly and Sherry. On the first day he even come with art work! It was super cute.
Axel also had his 9 month doctor's appointment on Monday. He got one shot and did really well. Unfortunately I have to bring him back at the end of the month to get his Flu shot because they didn't have them yet. I hate seeing him get shot's. Axel's weight was 16lbs 12oz and he was 27 inches long. What a little peanut huh? He's gaining weight , just slowly. Well at least I don't have to get a new car seat yet.
Axel has been getting more and more mobile. He pulls him self up on every thing and I saw him climb 2 stairs the other day! Once he got to the second stair be became a little less dare devilish but it still freaked me out. I can't believe how quick he is. I think I finally got a few pictures that show off his two teeth so I will try and post one. I think that is all for now...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Jumping around and bathtime

Here are a couple of video's of Axel playing around. The first one is Axel playing around in his jumper. It's crazy how high he can jump in that thing! The other is Axel splashing around in the sink. He made such a watery mess all over the floor, but how do you stop him when he's having such a good time?
Axel is 8 months old now! I can't believe how much he's changed. He can sit on his own, he crawls and he has been pulling himself up on every thing. He has two teeth on the bottom. He also has been starting to like more and more food. He loves to feed himself cheerios and toast and wants to sample any thing that mom and dad are eating. I think we are going to have to eat less spicy foods so we can share more with him more often. Axel also has been 'talking' more and more. He mumbles and chat's all day. Some times he will wake up in the morning and I'll hear him just chatting away to himself already! Axel still is working on sleeping through the night. Most of the time he only wakes up once over night so night time is getting much better for all of us! I'm sure I'm forgetting some huge milestone that he has hit but that is all I can think of right now. Next month he has his next doctors appointment so we'll have an official weigh in, but I think he weighs about 18 pounds now and he is getting really long.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Axel has been fitting a cold for about 2 weeks now. This week he finally better but is still fighting a cough. He was full of boogers and feeling pretty punky. He has 2 teeth now! Both are almost half way in-both on the bottom. He's little smiles are so cute now with little teeth poking through. I haven't been able to get a picture of his teeth yet-I'll keep trying. My camera is kinda crappy so close up pictures don't turn out that well.
Axel is going to start daycare. His first day will be October 6th. I think I'm more nervous than he will be, but it'll be good for all of us. Brian and I have been switching out schedules so far so one of us is home with him, but we don't get to see each other to often so now we'll have more time with the three of us at home together! I can't wait!! We had a tour of the daycare and met his teacher, Sherry, today. She seems really nice and we have a play date set for the week before he starts so he can met some of the kids and get to now his teachers. Axel has been very momma clingy lately so it'll be good to have him get to know other adults.
Axel has been crawling all over and is starting to make more and more sounds. I swear he said momma the other day but I couldn't get him to repeat it so I won't write it down in his book yet! I am also going to post a video showing how he can crawl. Like I said before my camera is kinda crappy so the video isn't the best but you'll get the idea!
Axel is going to start daycare. His first day will be October 6th. I think I'm more nervous than he will be, but it'll be good for all of us. Brian and I have been switching out schedules so far so one of us is home with him, but we don't get to see each other to often so now we'll have more time with the three of us at home together! I can't wait!! We had a tour of the daycare and met his teacher, Sherry, today. She seems really nice and we have a play date set for the week before he starts so he can met some of the kids and get to now his teachers. Axel has been very momma clingy lately so it'll be good to have him get to know other adults.
Axel has been crawling all over and is starting to make more and more sounds. I swear he said momma the other day but I couldn't get him to repeat it so I won't write it down in his book yet! I am also going to post a video showing how he can crawl. Like I said before my camera is kinda crappy so the video isn't the best but you'll get the idea!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Look what dad did!

Dad got a new tattoo!! Axel got to watch dad get inked. If you can't see it the best it reads AXEL on his forearm.
Mom also got a tattoo about a month after dad. She got an 'A' behind her ear. We don't have any pictures of that one yet. It's fun having a little new decoration. We'll make Axel wait at least until he's 12 to get his!! (unless he gets one that says I Love mom or some thing on that line!)
Camping and being social
We have been so busy lately. First we went to visit our friends Nick and Sarah Ridgeway and their new baby girl Vienna. Congrat's guys, she is so cute! I can't believe how little she is compared to Axel. It's crazy how fast they grow.
We went camping last weekend in Prior Lake and Cleary Park. First time in a tent for Axel! He did great. He slept well and loved being outside all day. We got rained on the first night but we stayed dry and the next day the weather was perfect. Axel got to meet a bunch of our friends and some of their kids. It's fun to have little ones around his age that he can hang with. Jada Lindell, Quintin and Olivia Morrisey , Henry Pagel and Eddie Heski were there. Jada and Quintin are 3 years old-I think, Eddie is 10 months Olivia is about 1 month younger than Axel and Henry is 2 months younger than Axel. It's going to be so much fun when Henry, Olivia and Axel are running around like Jada and Quintin. It was a blast seeing everyone!
I also want to send out a huge CONGRAT's to Jamie and Michele Lindell on the news of being pregnant!! Babies and more babies huh?!!!
We went camping last weekend in Prior Lake and Cleary Park. First time in a tent for Axel! He did great. He slept well and loved being outside all day. We got rained on the first night but we stayed dry and the next day the weather was perfect. Axel got to meet a bunch of our friends and some of their kids. It's fun to have little ones around his age that he can hang with. Jada Lindell, Quintin and Olivia Morrisey , Henry Pagel and Eddie Heski were there. Jada and Quintin are 3 years old-I think, Eddie is 10 months Olivia is about 1 month younger than Axel and Henry is 2 months younger than Axel. It's going to be so much fun when Henry, Olivia and Axel are running around like Jada and Quintin. It was a blast seeing everyone!
I also want to send out a huge CONGRAT's to Jamie and Michele Lindell on the news of being pregnant!! Babies and more babies huh?!!!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Axel can crawl!! He has just mastered it this week. Most of the time he still does an army crawl (you know what I mean-crawling on his belly by pulling with his arms), but he has been getting better at getting his knees under him. He trucks all around the house now. The dogs are so in for it! I guess I'm going to have to clean the floors more often, until I can teach Axel to clean the floors. I will post new pictures to show you what he's up to.
Oh...he also almost has a tooth!! I felt a little rough spot on his gums yesterday and when I looked in his mouth I saw one little edge of a tooth peaking through his gums. This explains why he chews/sucks on everything!! So I'm sure we'll have a few rough nights before the little bugger pops completely through, but luckly I'm a sucker for our late night cuddles. All for now.
Oh...he also almost has a tooth!! I felt a little rough spot on his gums yesterday and when I looked in his mouth I saw one little edge of a tooth peaking through his gums. This explains why he chews/sucks on everything!! So I'm sure we'll have a few rough nights before the little bugger pops completely through, but luckly I'm a sucker for our late night cuddles. All for now.
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Axel's stats-
He is now 6 months old! He weighs 15 pounds and is 26 inches long. He has been learning to eat solid foods. He has liked every thing that he has tried so far but his favorite is pickles. He loves to hold them all by himself and gets really mad when I take them away from him. He is rolling every where and I swear any day now he will crawl.
First blog!
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