Dad got a new tattoo!! Axel got to watch dad get inked. If you can't see it the best it reads AXEL on his forearm.
Mom also got a tattoo about a month after dad. She got an 'A' behind her ear. We don't have any pictures of that one yet. It's fun having a little new decoration. We'll make Axel wait at least until he's 12 to get his!! (unless he gets one that says I Love mom or some thing on that line!)
if any kid would get an I love mom tattoo - it would be axel! : ) Nice ink jobs-- I think it's pretty cool-- what if you get pregnant with like sextuplets next-- you'll run out of space to ink up! ha!!
Hope to see you soon- camping was fun and can't wait to get Axel and Henry together again!
That is a damn cute baby - that is really all I have to say.
That is a big tatoo. You know - I am wondering where he is gonna put the names of your next six kids. Twins run in the family - quadruplets would not be out of the question.
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