Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So we went to visit Santa last weekend. Axel did great until he actually had to sit by Santa. Then he started crying and made mom get in the picture with him! I was not ready to be in a picture on an early Sunday morning, but it's all in fun right?! I have a better picture of the three of us but my little USB thingy broke so I can't share the one I scanned-I'll work on it! (in that picture you can actually see Axel's tears going down his cheeks!) Other wise Axel did great as mom and dad did all their Christmas shopping in one day. He actually fell asleep while we were crusing around the mall. He loves just watching people. The other pictures I posted are just Axel playing around the house in just his diaper and with his big teddy bear-that I couldn't wait for Christmas to give him.

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