Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Camping and being social

We have been so busy lately. First we went to visit our friends Nick and Sarah Ridgeway and their new baby girl Vienna. Congrat's guys, she is so cute! I can't believe how little she is compared to Axel. It's crazy how fast they grow.

We went camping last weekend in Prior Lake and Cleary Park. First time in a tent for Axel! He did great. He slept well and loved being outside all day. We got rained on the first night but we stayed dry and the next day the weather was perfect. Axel got to meet a bunch of our friends and some of their kids. It's fun to have little ones around his age that he can hang with. Jada Lindell, Quintin and Olivia Morrisey , Henry Pagel and Eddie Heski were there. Jada and Quintin are 3 years old-I think, Eddie is 10 months Olivia is about 1 month younger than Axel and Henry is 2 months younger than Axel. It's going to be so much fun when Henry, Olivia and Axel are running around like Jada and Quintin. It was a blast seeing everyone!

I also want to send out a huge CONGRAT's to Jamie and Michele Lindell on the news of being pregnant!! Babies and more babies huh?!!!

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