Friday, May 27, 2011

weight status

Abel had a Dr.'s appointment yesterday. His weight is up to 7 pounds and 1 ounces. He gained 6 ounces in two days! (they wanted to see around 1 oz per day gain) Yeah Abel!! Keep on growing little one. He's not up to his birth weigh but he's on his way. We have another weight check on Sunday. His bili level was 17.6, not much changed but still a little better. He is doing great with breast feeding and I think we are all starting to settle in to a routine around here. I've still have been slow going but feeling better-as long as I can stay out of the car. Car rides are a little rough on me still. My feet are still super puffy but I guess they can stay like that for another week of so. No new pictures today-I'll post again soon I'm sure.

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