Friday, May 20, 2011


The big day is tomorrow!'s crazy knowing that. I am so nervous and excited for all that will happen tomorrow. I feel a little sad to be done with my pregnancy. It's funny to be saying that since I've been totally uncomfortable and crabby lately, but it is an ending to some thing amazing! For the most part I don't mind being pregnant. I have loved feeling the baby moving around in my belly. It started out with tiny little popcorn bubbles and now I can feel a little heel in my ribs. I've been completely amazed every week at my stretching belly and all that it means. My numb hands and swollen feet, okay maybe I won't miss them! I will be over joyed to sleep on my stomach again and to snuggle my new little dude! I can't wait to see how your brother Axel reacts to you. I think he thinks you will never come, we've been talking about you for a really long time. He is going to be such a great big brother! I am so blessed to be adding another little person to our family. Our family of....four! Wow that sounds great. Today will not go fast enough and I'm sure I won't sleep at all tonight. I hope to post by the end of the weekend with pictures and stat's of our new dude! Here's hoping that all goes well and healing goes fast!

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