Saturday, May 7, 2011

Axel all dressed up!

Axel had pictures for his dance class today. So cute. I know I won't get to much of this out of him but it sure was cute this year. He really likes the class-when he gets to jam around and hold girls hands! I love him all dressed up. Now I'll have to find reason to get him to wear a tie :)
Axel and Jazz hanging out watching TV.

On the baby front-I am officially on bed rest! Yikes. I had a troublesome week I guess. I've started to get headaches again, my hands and feet are SUPER swollen and of course my blood pressure has jumped to the next level. I had a couple of readings that were 174/100! Wow, know wonder my head hurts. I was monitored yesterday for a few hours and have to be monitored again on Sunday. The baby is doing great-it's just the oven that is starting to have a hard time. I am 36 weeks now, so we are only one week off of being labeled full term. I'm not sure what will happen from here. Tomorrow will give us more information? So far I just have high blood pressure-no pre-acclampisia. (I think I spelt that wrong?) Any labs and urine are all good. Just extremely high blood pressures, headaches and crazy cankles! It's really lovely. If you push on my legs you can leave a mark. Brian thinks it's totally gross. At least I feel like every thing is ready for baby. My bag is packed and Brian has put in the car seat. I'll keep you posted!!

1 comment:

jules said...

I'll be thinking of you, and watching your blog closely, Shanna!