Thursday, May 12, 2011

The date is set.....gulp

Alright here's the updates. We went to the doctor's today. I'm still having very high blood pressures and headaches. The doctor decided that we would deliver baby at 38 weeks, which means a date has been set! Whoo, that's kinda scary. The doctor wasn't sure how I would tolerate being induced so I guess we are doing a C-section again. I'm kinda bummed about this but I need to do what is healthy for me and the baby. I've learned that some things in life just can't be totally planned. So the big day is going to be May 21st! Oh man....knowing this I don't think I'll sleep until then! Baby bean you have 10 more days to keep growing and then we get to meet you!! I can't wait to see how your big brother is going to react to you. :)


jules said...

OH MY GOSH! How exciting, guys! I can't wait to hear the story, and see pics!!!

Shelly Pagel said...

Good luck Shanna!!! You'll do great and I'm sure that little man is ready to meet his awesome mom and dad (and brother)! : ) repeat C is much better than the first time... everything is much more calm and planned and surreal.. knowing what to expect etc.. You'll be great!! Can't wait to see this guy!