I hope every Mother out there had a wonderful day! Here's how I spent my Mother's day. Sight seeing across from the hospital! This moose was eating grass right in front of UAA (University of Anchorage Alaska). It's so crazy seeing these guys right in the heart of the city.

Axel says that he saw him poop...I don't know if I saw that?

Here's me getting admitted for the night..boo. What a way to spend Mother's day. At least I got to hear the babies heart beat. My blood pressure was high again so they monitored me over night. All labs and urine came back normal. I still have a pounding headache, puffy feet and hands and a blood pressure that just doesn't want to lower. Baby continues to do great, just mom feeling crummy.

Monday evening I got sent home on bed rest. Next doctor's appointment on Wednesday. For now continue on as planned-taking Tylenol and resting as much as possible. The big talk of maybe setting a date will happen on Wednesday. The doctor would like to get us as close to 38 weeks as possible depending on how my blood pressure is and how I feel. At 37 weeks the baby is full termed so we could maybe go closer to that? I just don't want to take any blood pressure medications or have any invasive procedures done to see the babies development. If the doctor says keep waiting we will.
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