We are at the 35, going on 36, week mark of this pregnancy. Sigh... I am ready to be done. I feel huge, my feet are super swollen, my hands are numb all the time and I have not been sleeping well. My blood pressure is still high, but maintaining. I remember when it started, at 29 weeks, the doctor was talking about having me deliver by this week! But here we are still pregnant and still counting the weeks. I've been feeling good for the most part but this week I've started to get headaches again. Over all when I get over my crabby self things are good. :)
We had an ultrasound today to check on the baby-the blood flow and amount of fluid around him. Every thing seemed great. The baby is growing well, has good blood flow to him and the right amount of fluid around him. The doctored measured him and is guessing that right now he weighs 7 pounds! (give or take a 1/2 a pound) Keep in mind that the baby should gain about 1/2 a pound a week still!
Humm..... The doctor also said that per his measurements he could be making his arrival around May 23rd!? We also had a
NST done today. (non-stress test) They hook my belly up to a monitor and watch the babies heart rate. The baby is supposed to have a certain amount of increases with in a 20 minute time period. Well my little dude passed that test in no time. He was jamming away the whole time! It's crazy watching my stomach move. You sure can see it now. All for now. I try not to be crabby crazy pregnant lady on my blog so I hope things don't sound that way. I just am really getting there....
Okay crabby rants. Please don't do to super pregnant women:
-Stare at them like they are display at the zoo. Yes, that is my round belly!
-Comment on how HUGE they are! humm...what do I say thanks? I don't where they think babies come from but yes they do come from round bellied women!
-Give them looks while they are in line to get food. So sorry, I am hungry but don't worry I'll leave some for the rest of you.
-Complain that you didn't sleep well last night. Oh.. yeah?! I won't even comment on that one.