Axel and his class getting ready for a hike

This week we learned about Owl's. Here is Axel holding a real owl wing. There feathers are soft and the can fly with out you hearing them.

Here's Axel wearing the owl eyes.

We are 30 weeks pregnant now! Wow. We had a doctor visit on Tuesday. I am still having high blood pressure and headaches but no other symptoms.(they look for vision changes and protein in my urine) For the time being I have gestational hypertension.(pregnancy induced high blood pressure) My doctor shortened my work shifts-8 hours instead of 10 hour days. She is going to keep a close eye on me-every week visits now. We also had an ultrasound to check on the baby. Every thing is great with the baby. He has a good amount of amniotic fluid and has good blood flow going to him. The doctor measured the baby-they check the head and tummy circumference and the length of the femur-with those measurements they can get a good idea where the baby is in size. The doctor said that the baby is going to be a big one and that he already weighs 4 pounds! He said that if I make it to term that the baby could easily be 9 pounds. This is the second time the doctor has said this?! We will see. As for the high blood pressure going on if it continues or gets any worse the doctor is talking about delivering the baby early. The doctor said that worse case they will talk about delivering the baby around 34-36 weeks. We hope to get closer to 38 weeks, but that's why the doctor is going to watch me every week. For now-shorter shifts, maybe bed rest to come and watching to make sure nothing else changes or gets worse. Just keep growing bean, in case you have to come early I want you to be as big as you can be!
I'll be thinking of you, Shanna! I cannot believe you have to work 10 hour shifts when you are 30 weeks pregnant! I would DIE! All I have to do is sit in a cube all day.
yeah for 8 hour shifts! I can't imagine you making a big baby : ) Axel was such a little peanut when he was a baby! Take it easy girl and keep us updated!
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