Sunday, March 13, 2011

28 weeks

Man I can't believe that we are at the 28 week mark already. I have such mixed feelings with how the time has been going. Some times I feel like it's going way to fast and the the next minute I can't wait for it be to go faster. I enjoy being pregnant-for the most part. I have been really achy-my legs and back. But I guess gaining weight and losing ligaments does that to a pregnant body. I also have really bad heartburn. Other than that I have no complaint's. I know how fast things will happen from here so I have been trying to sit back and enjoy being a wonderfully round prego lady! The baby movements have been getting so big and I love feeling him do flips and kicks every day. The baby should be around 2.5 pounds and 16 inches now. Wow! I found out on Friday that I passed my glucose screening. My results were 107, which is good, and my Hgb (hemoglobin) was at 11.3, which is also good. So yeah, I don't have to worry about drinking more of that glucose juice that the doctor has and I can keep eating like I have been.

Okay, anxiety moment for a pregnant lady who moved away from all of her family and friends. My boss asked me the other day what our birthing plan was and what we were going to do with Axel? Umm...well I guess we are not sure. If it happens on a weekend I can ask one of the girls I work with to hang out with Axel but otherwise I work with a small group that all work every week day! So I guess we don't know. I want Brian to be able to be with me, but also Axel? I've never had any one who isn't a family member watch him-scary to think of all of this! I know the girls I work with are great and will help out if needed. I mean sh@# they are pediatric RN's. I think they will do a good job with Axel. Best case situation my wonderful mother-in law in flying out here on June 2nd, so if the bean can hold out until then we'll be fine. I guess we will figure it out when the time comes. Another anxiety I have to think about is if we will try a VBAC or just go for the C-section again. (after 14 hours of labor and 3 1/2 hours of pushing we ended in a C-section with Axel) Fun huh?! I guess I'll have to wait and see how I feel and how baby is doing. I'm really hoping not to have another C-section. I guess there is no real planning with birthing stuff-it'll happen how it happens. So I'll keep breathing and see how things turn out.


jules said...

Cheers to 28 weeks!!!! I have been noticing I've been huffing and puffing a little lately, but other than that, and a little restless leg syndrome, I feel great as well!

Only 12 weeks to go!!!!!

j said...

I was worried about what to do with mine too - and they are older. I know you don't want another c-section, but last time I went in, my kids barely knew I was gone. Rick was with them until I was ready for surgery, and then they watched cartoons for 20 minutes ans he came back with their sister.

Either way, he seems like a pretty chilled-out kid and will be fine. Do you guys have names picked out yet?

Shelly Pagel said...

good thing you have a few more weeks to find/train in a sitter to be on call! Don't worry, it will all be good and work out! Brendon stayed in the hospital with me the first night and then I wanted him to stay with Henry the other 2 nights (I had the 2nd c as well- vbac didn't happen for me, though I tried) it wasn't so bad... so much more relaxed the 2nd time around and having done it all before. Take care of yourself up there and it will be perfect if this little guy can wait til June 2nd for grandma to come up and help out!! : )