Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3 year stat's

Axel had his 3 year check up today. (only 2 months late) I thought that he didn't have to get any shots, and even told him that, but it ended up that he got three. Poor dude. He did really good with the shots. He has been saying tonight that his leg's hurts, that he's uncomfortable and doesn't like to look at his bandaide's. He's been pretty snuggly and just wants to lay on the couch. I gave him a little Motrin so hopefully that will help him. Here's his stats: 29.6 pounds and 36.5 inches. He's growing! The doctor checked different milestones likes drawing a line, walking on his tip toes, jumping and some of the words that he knows. Axel did really good at all of them. When she asked him to hold one knee up and stand balancing he wasn't to sure about that one but he walked over to the chair held on and then said here now I can! His doctor thought that was smart thinking! So over all I think he's doing just great!

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