We went to visit Santa this weekend! Axel wasn't ready to take a picture on his own yet. Maybe next year! Here's what Axel asked Santa for: 1. Dino's 2. A baby brother. I told Santa that we were working on that 2
nd one and he could work on the 1st one. :)

Starting our Christmas tree. I know it's not much but it's the idea more than any thing. Axel loved helping dad get all the
branch's together.

We are ready for Christmas!
We are 14 weeks pregnant now, which means we are in our second trimester! Yeah!! The baby is about 3 oz and the size of a lemon. We heard the heartbeat last week. It was SO cool and Axel was amazed that is really something growing in mom's tummy. January is when we get to have the big ultrasound and find the sex of the baby if we want. I think we will but we have time to think about it.
You guys are so cute
Well my vote IS a boy. :) Yep. That is my vote. (So far, I am 100% incorrect...but I am sticking with boy.)
Yay. Finally. Out in the open, and I can talk about this.
Cheers to being 14 weeks preggers!
oh how love hearing the heartbeat-- I swear it's something I wish I could every day when I was pregnant! I was always very paranoid in both pregnancies until I could feel the baby moving. Glad things are going well- Axel gets cuter every time I see a picture of him!! You two sure make cute kids -- can't wait to see #2! : )
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