Wednesday, November 24, 2010

playing with his guys

Here is Axel playing in his room with his 'guys'. I'm still learning to get better at getting my video's on my blog. Some days technology just is not my friend. I know I've been updating this blog way more than I ever used to but with having all my family and friends so far away we have so much to share!
I think the earth cores split today....I got a cell phone. For those of you that know I haven't had a cell phone for 9 or 10 years. It was sorta my thing. After yesterday being stuck in the icy tundra while I was preggers we decided that a cell phone would be a really good idea. We got a GO phone so it was a easy way to enter into the world of cell phones. I'm sure it'll be great having one but I still don't want all the fancy bells and whistles that all the phones have. Maybe some day I'll learn to text...hee hee. I have to laugh at myself. Most of the time I love new technology and gadgets but I just have a thing with cell phones. I'll learn to deal with having one :)

1 comment:

j said...

Even the grizzly bears have cell phones now. They are probably texting each other when you guys are out on those hikes. I'm glad you have one to keep you and little pooky safe.