Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cookie Day

Axel and Mom making Christmas cookies. Normally this time of the year we would go to Grandma Hamblin's and bake cookies with my sisters and all of Axel's cousins. So this year we did it on our own. Not to bad for our first year alone!

Axel doing a little taste testing.

Helping with the bar's.
Time to eat!

2 thumbs up Mom!!
Look how full my belly is!!

On the baby front we are 15 weeks along! The baby is the size of a large apple. He/She should be able to wiggle it's toes and fingers. I wish I could feel the little dude. I can't wait for that. I've been continuing to sprout nicely! I'll have to post a baby bump picture soon. You won't believe my tummy already. Thankfully I get to work in scrubs every day. They sure are forgiving on a changing body.

1 comment:

jules said...

Gosh! You ARE lucky! Scrubs everyday?! Nice! Mmmm...I want a cookie...I need a cookie....right now!!! GET ME A COOKIE! ;)