An Axel wrap for Christmas! Just practicing my swaddling technique!

Swing batter batter swing!

Helping dad get his trucks free.

Check out my new tent!

Our first Christmas away from home. It was a little quieter then we are used to but we still had a great time watching Axel enjoy the magic of Christmas!Axel set out Cookies and water for Santa and saltines and water for the Raindeer. He thought it was super cool that they were all gone in the morning. We had dinner plans with friends on Saturday and 1/2 an hour before every one came over we lost power! We didn't get power back for 5 hours! What a Christmas huh? The whole town of Eagle River was out of power on Christmas. Crazy. Luckily we just relocated the party to my friend Bethany's house. We had a ton of food and good company. We finished our day by coming home and all three of us snuggled in our bed watching cartoons until we fell asleep. It was a great day. We missed having our family around but we did well on our first holiday alone. I'll try and post a video of our presenting opening later this week.
We are excited to announce our first visitor is coming on Tuesday! My mother in-law, Ann, is coming for a whole week. It'll be so nice to have some family here. She'll get to help us celebrate Brian's (33 years) and Axel's (3 years) birthdays. Can't wait to have you here Ann!!!
Is that new tent bear proof?
I hope you guys had a great Christmas.
Oooh, Axel looks so precious all wrapped up. ;) I wanna be swaddled. I'm going to request that from Jeremy tonight. HAHA.
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