Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It's A Balancing Act

Playing with super hero masks

Look who is pulling up on things!

Puppy kisses

Helping with dinner

Trapped at the gate

Happy Boy loves food

Bath time

My Boys
Here were a few random pictures from the last week or so.  This time of year we all get inundated with every ones stories and pictures of their wonderful beach vacations.  I love to page through them and try not to be a hater.  This year we will not be going any where warm and sunny.  I know my time will come again to go on vacations- right now we are just a little kid saturated.  (Brian and I have been blessed and been on some really amazing trips together-I'll have to go through old pictures next time I'm being pouty) .  Life is a Balancing Act. At work we had a class on work-life balance.  It made me think about how we are managing things right now and reminded me that I should write them down because like all phases- this to shall pass- and some day we can look back and say we sure tried our best and hopefully it'll get easier!  Here is how we are doing things:
*We don't do any type of daycare right now.  This means that Brian and I work opposite schedules and cover the time between the two of us.  (every now and then Grandma Ann helps also)  Brian works Monday-Thursday 10 hour shifts and I work the weekend Friday-Sunday 12 hour shifts.  It's not the most ideal for Brian and I's alone time but it works great for the kids.  No daycare is Huge! We do get a few afternoon together at home- lunch dates instead of dinner.
*Not having daycare is good and bad.  It saves us a ton of money but doesn't allow for much 'free' time. (Not that any parent has free time).  One of us is always with the boys.
* My 'free' time is spent on school.  I am working on my Masters and hope to be done in about 3 years. (why does every thing good take so long?!)  One of these days I hope my life balance is more fun- like Yoga time or learning to play an instrument?  But I have decided to make the commitment to school and know once I finish I can get a more normal work schedule. No weekends, swing shifts or holidays. Nursing is a great job but the hours sure suck.  (but it has allowed us to do this crazy schedule for now)
*Brian's 'free' time is spent? It always seems like he is working on some house project for us or his mom- is that really fun free time?  I guess I would have to ask him but it just seems like boring adult need to do more then free time.  I am super excited that he has decided to get back into Golf.  He has lost his golf mojo for a while now and I can't wait to be a golf widow this summer!  I hope he can bring the boys once and while and I'll sit on the deck doing home work :)
* So this is our Balancing Act. For know it works.  I do enjoy having 4 days off of work every week.  I mean I almost feel like a stay at home Mom during the week but then I still get to challenge myself in a different way at work during the weekend.  I do believe that working in the PICU is less stress some times than staying home with three kids!

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