Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Ansel 10 months

Stink Face
10 Months- Ansel

Watch out brothers- I'm on the move!

What you are up to this month-
*Crawling every where and getting very fast.  You are so busy and get into every thing!
Opening cupboards and reaching to the top of the coffee table.
*Sitting up all by your self and playing with toys.
*Like to feed your self food and starting to work on a sippy cup.
*Starting to get stranger anxiety.  You really notice when some one new is around.
*Sleeping about the same-still getting up about once a night. You take a bottle and go right back to bed. (most of the time- other nights you like to fight sleep for about an hour, you like to be held or have your hand held)
*You are so curious and love to explore in your brothers rooms.
*You have become a huge challenge to change on diaper on.  You do the alligator roll over and over!
Can't believe that you are only 2 months away from being a year old.  Sure has gone fast with you.  

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