Cheers to 40 years of marriage Mom and Dad!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
It's A Balancing Act
Playing with super hero masks |
Look who is pulling up on things! |
Puppy kisses |
Helping with dinner |
Trapped at the gate |
Happy Boy loves food |
Bath time |
My Boys |
*We don't do any type of daycare right now. This means that Brian and I work opposite schedules and cover the time between the two of us. (every now and then Grandma Ann helps also) Brian works Monday-Thursday 10 hour shifts and I work the weekend Friday-Sunday 12 hour shifts. It's not the most ideal for Brian and I's alone time but it works great for the kids. No daycare is Huge! We do get a few afternoon together at home- lunch dates instead of dinner.
*Not having daycare is good and bad. It saves us a ton of money but doesn't allow for much 'free' time. (Not that any parent has free time). One of us is always with the boys.
* My 'free' time is spent on school. I am working on my Masters and hope to be done in about 3 years. (why does every thing good take so long?!) One of these days I hope my life balance is more fun- like Yoga time or learning to play an instrument? But I have decided to make the commitment to school and know once I finish I can get a more normal work schedule. No weekends, swing shifts or holidays. Nursing is a great job but the hours sure suck. (but it has allowed us to do this crazy schedule for now)
*Brian's 'free' time is spent? It always seems like he is working on some house project for us or his mom- is that really fun free time? I guess I would have to ask him but it just seems like boring adult need to do more then free time. I am super excited that he has decided to get back into Golf. He has lost his golf mojo for a while now and I can't wait to be a golf widow this summer! I hope he can bring the boys once and while and I'll sit on the deck doing home work :)
* So this is our Balancing Act. For know it works. I do enjoy having 4 days off of work every week. I mean I almost feel like a stay at home Mom during the week but then I still get to challenge myself in a different way at work during the weekend. I do believe that working in the PICU is less stress some times than staying home with three kids!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
I Lost My Green Thumb!
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These are the plants I used to grow! |
This is my sad plants today! |
Monday, January 12, 2015
A New Year
Another year has come and gone. Time really does fly! Some times I feel caught up in the rat race of life and the same patterns each day or week. Then all of a sudden a year slips by. The house is still a mess, the kids are growing like weeds and I feel busier every day. Here is a short recap of what we were up to this year.
1. I started and finished my first year of Graduate school. (Not to toot my own horn but I also finished with a 4.0!)
2. We had a baby! Ansel B Rapp. Our third son. We would not be complete with out you.
3. I reached my goal weight after having a baby. Love getting back into my 'regular' jeans.
4. Brian and his sister Tracy became owners in the business Infinity Plastics. Very proud of you guys!
5. Our dog Jazz died. I still struggle with this one. She was the best dog ever.
6. Found a new mole had it looked at by the dermatologist. I was told it was only an age spot. Yes, thank you that was super reassuring.
7. I organized one closet. I know it doesn't seem like much but it feels amazing. It has stayed organized too! When I get over whelmed in life I open the closet and it makes me feel good.
Goals for this coming year:
1. Stick with school. Keep on keeping on and I'll be half way done at the end of this year. One class at a time.
2. Try to find more time for me. Not sure how I fit this into my schedule but I'm going to try. Even just finding more time to read, try to get back into Yoga or go for a short walk. Something not school related would be nice. :)
3. Get in shape. Okay I reached my goal weight after having the baby but things do not look like they once did. Maybe this is a part of finding more time for me. I don't care about loosing weight but more of a focus on healthy choices and feeling better each day.
4. Get more organized. Brian likes to say that if I'm not organized now that I most likely I won't get any better at it. I would like to prove him wrong on this one and hope to become more organized the older I get!
5. Slow down and enjoy the moment. Life really does fly by and I don't want to spend it in cruise control. Enjoy each moment I have with my kids and husband. Try to be a better Mother and Wife to them each day.
I don't like to do new years resolutions but like the idea of a list of To Do's for the year. I'm sure it will change but putting some thing down in print helps me have a focus point to start with. Cheers to another year. May we all have health and prosperity!
1. I started and finished my first year of Graduate school. (Not to toot my own horn but I also finished with a 4.0!)
2. We had a baby! Ansel B Rapp. Our third son. We would not be complete with out you.
3. I reached my goal weight after having a baby. Love getting back into my 'regular' jeans.
4. Brian and his sister Tracy became owners in the business Infinity Plastics. Very proud of you guys!
5. Our dog Jazz died. I still struggle with this one. She was the best dog ever.
6. Found a new mole had it looked at by the dermatologist. I was told it was only an age spot. Yes, thank you that was super reassuring.
7. I organized one closet. I know it doesn't seem like much but it feels amazing. It has stayed organized too! When I get over whelmed in life I open the closet and it makes me feel good.
Goals for this coming year:
1. Stick with school. Keep on keeping on and I'll be half way done at the end of this year. One class at a time.
2. Try to find more time for me. Not sure how I fit this into my schedule but I'm going to try. Even just finding more time to read, try to get back into Yoga or go for a short walk. Something not school related would be nice. :)
3. Get in shape. Okay I reached my goal weight after having the baby but things do not look like they once did. Maybe this is a part of finding more time for me. I don't care about loosing weight but more of a focus on healthy choices and feeling better each day.
4. Get more organized. Brian likes to say that if I'm not organized now that I most likely I won't get any better at it. I would like to prove him wrong on this one and hope to become more organized the older I get!
5. Slow down and enjoy the moment. Life really does fly by and I don't want to spend it in cruise control. Enjoy each moment I have with my kids and husband. Try to be a better Mother and Wife to them each day.
I don't like to do new years resolutions but like the idea of a list of To Do's for the year. I'm sure it will change but putting some thing down in print helps me have a focus point to start with. Cheers to another year. May we all have health and prosperity!
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Ansel 10 months
Stink Face |
10 Months- Ansel |
Watch out brothers- I'm on the move! |
What you are up to this month-
*Crawling every where and getting very fast. You are so busy and get into every thing!
Opening cupboards and reaching to the top of the coffee table.
*Sitting up all by your self and playing with toys.
*Like to feed your self food and starting to work on a sippy cup.
*Starting to get stranger anxiety. You really notice when some one new is around.
*Sleeping about the same-still getting up about once a night. You take a bottle and go right back to bed. (most of the time- other nights you like to fight sleep for about an hour, you like to be held or have your hand held)
*You are so curious and love to explore in your brothers rooms.
*You have become a huge challenge to change on diaper on. You do the alligator roll over and over!
Can't believe that you are only 2 months away from being a year old. Sure has gone fast with you.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Axel turns 7!!
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Axel the 7 year old |
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1st Birthday |
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The Cabin |
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Duluth MN |
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Iditarod |
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Still one of my favorite pictures! |
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Alaska |
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All dressed up |
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Eagle River, Alaska |
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So little |
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Glaciers |
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Moab, Utah |
Axel at 7 years:
This year you started 1st grade. You enjoy school and learning but struggle with talking too much. When I say talking to much it may be an understatement! You have always been one to talk- very articulate and well spoken just some times you don't know when to stop talking. You starting spelling and reading this year. You are my adventure kid. Always open to trying some thing new or going some where new. You have become a better eater this year. You used to be very picky but you have grown a taste for trying new food- with lot's of encouragement. You are the leader of your brothers and at this point they will follow you any where. You don't like me kissing you in front of any one you know but still like to sit with me in the recliner to watch cartoons. You have become tech savvy and help me when I can't get my phone to work! You like to do science stuff with Mom. You collect rocks, feathers and shells. You like to build lego's. You are still in to dino's and want to be a paleontologist when you grow up. Favorite color is blue. Favorite food- pizza and cake.
Love you Axel!!
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