Tuesday, November 5, 2013

UBC verison 2013

 We got the opportunity to spend the weekend at Uncle Brian's (and Dawn's) cabin. It was so nice to hang out by the fire, go for hikes, play in the leaves and just catch up with every one.
 This was one of the first time Abel just didn't want to be outside hiking. He wanted to be carried and then just had enough so Brian, Abel and I turned back to the cabin.
 Axel of course was in heaven being outside so he finished hiking in the woods and around the pond with Grandma Ann, Peter, Core and Dawn.
 Once we got back to the cabin Abel had a snack and was his happy self again.
 The boys are such good helpers! Abel helping sweep the floor and Axel helping drive the tractor.

 Playing Halloween Bingo with everyone. Fun was had by all! :) Abel loves this games and has caught on so quick on how to play it. Once he found his pictures he would say "Me too!" and point at the ones he had. Best $1 isle game ever! Thanks target.

Starting the fire

 Core teaching the boys at little bit about guns. They were both SO interested. In due time guys- then you can shoot pop cans with Mom and Dad.
Abel with his sleeping bag on the couch

Making bars- yummy!!

Playing Domino's with Dawn

The beaver hunters!
Brian and Core attempted to get some of the beavers that are destroying the pond and all the tress around it. The hippie in me hopes that they didn't get one but I saw how much damage they were doing to the area so I understand if they did. 

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