Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall is here

 So I will finally admit that fall is really here. The weather is starting to cool down and the leaves are falling. This past weekend it was sunny out (even if it was only in the 50's) we had fun in the yard- raked leaves and painted pumpkins.

 Finished products! Mom helped Abel with his face and Axel's pumpkin got attacked by a zombie so his face was all mushed around.
                                               Pumpkin for the baby- pink or blue one?


jules said...

When do you find out if it is a pink or blue pumpkin?!?!?

Rapp family fun said...

We get to find out on the 30th! That's why I thought it would be fun to paint the little pumpkins- for our little one :)Can't wait. Any guesses?

j said...

My guess is pink. I have absolutely NO basis for this - just my guess.

Greta said...

Good for you on the pumpkins...we haven't even bought any yet...and we've been to two pumpkin patches! And soon you'll find out the gender??? That is EXCITING! Crossing my fingers for a girl...although boys are truly so much fun. :)