Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Here look at my eye Mom!

Here are a few things that I don't want to forget about Axel at age 5.
*Every time he brushes his teeth in the morning he will stop when he hits his "pee tooth" and have to got the bathroom.
*When I say I Love you. He will respond "Love you more".
*He is a good big brother and tells me that he has Abel's back no matter what. Then he will kick him :) But after that he will invite him to his room to play.
*He likes to pretend to be a spy, a zombie, a vampire, a super hero or a teenager (then every thing relates to that topic for the whole day- like strawberries turn into blood berries when he is a vampire).
*He likes dino's, lego's, pillow forts, or doing any thing outside.
*He is starting swimming lessons next week and started gymnastic's this summer- he is SO excited about both.

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