Friday, July 12, 2013

2 years stats-Abel

sugar dounuts

won't take a nap in bed, but loves the chair
Abel finally had his 2 year doctor visit- only 2 months late. He has been sick this week with a fever, runny nose and a cough-again! Poor kid. He was finally healthy and didn't have a cough but now it's back. I blame the fair and germy kids! Yuck- stay away from my little dude. He just doesn't get a break.
weight- 23 punds 10 ounces (under 3 %- he was hanging around 10% so this is quite a drop. He hasn't been eating well all week and doesn't have much of a reserve.) We will be rechecking his weight in a few weeks.
height- 2 feet 11 inches (28%- almost in the middle right? )
So of course my kiddo is little and the Dr is concerned of his weight gain. Axel was always at 5% until he was 5 years old I think! They are just little but do catch up. I understand her concern because of the drop since the last time he was at the Dr. He eats great most of the time, just not when he's sick. I hope to get him to eat a lot in the next few weeks so with his next visit he will show weight gain.
It still blows me away that he is 2! Man did this last 2 years go fast.
Things he is into:
-slowing getting more words-lot's of words only we understand. It's crazy because he understands everything just can't say it yet. If you ask him a question like "wheres the bowls, or can you find me a dino?" he can find or show us any thing-just not yet verbalize it all.
-He loves giving kisses and hugs- I LOVE this
-Is a daddy's boy! he totally digs me too, but nothing compares to Dad!
-LOVES to roar at us. He can do this for 15 minutes straight and will laught every time if you act scared.
-Loves to be outside doing any thing. Some days I have to literally drag him in the house.
-Getting so independent. Has to do this on his own. He so thinks he is Axel's age :)
-Is great at climbing- chairs, tables, any thing that he can get on top of.

I know that I always forget things when I write but I'm sure I'll think of them on my way home from work. This is all I got tonight- night shifts do not make me creative or a good writer! :)

1 comment:

jules said...

Oh, sweet little Able. Mack is on the other end of the chart. He is OBSESSED with food....Sometimes that can be very frustrating as well. Lots of tantrums. Of course now he is in a picky stage, and won't even anything....besides junk.