Saturday, July 6, 2013

4th of July

Watching the parade with cousin Ethan
 4th of July! I love that our town has a parade and fair on the 4th. Our house is right on the parade route! So much fun for the boys to be in our own yard watching every one go by. I may have gone picture crazy but I love my new camera!

 Another favorite of the summer- fires and roasting marsh mellows.

Fire in our diveway

Rides at the fair

Cruising with my brother


Axel getting ready for the trampoline

Not scared at all



More rides

Ferris wheel


Abel loved the chicks

Cheers to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

1 comment:

jules said...

Yay! Happy 4th! Looks like a great time. I wanna jump on the trampoline!