Wednesday, July 31, 2013


So we have MORE BIG news. We are moving! I know right? It seems like when one thing changes it effects every thing else around us. It sounds kinda wierd but we are swapping houses with my mother in-law Ann. Her house is a little bigger to fit our growing family and she will hopefully love our cute little house that is in walking distance to downtown, the bakery and of course the winery. I've always loved that part anyways :)  It sounds kinda confusing I know but gotta love my hubby for his ideas and I think the situation will help both of us. At least this move will be super easy on the boys because they love going to grandma Ann's house. Now if I can just get a job a little closer to home things would be golden! (I am SO sick of communting- even though I really like my job). Save that one for next year maybe once the hospital is buildt in town ;) We are planning on moving at the end of next month so we will be half way settled when Axel starts school.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Graduate school

I have been officially accepted to graduate school! I am planning on starting this fall working towards my masters in nursing with a leadership/management focus.  I will be taking it slow-like one or two classes at a time and hope in finish in about 3 to 4 years. Yikes that seems like a long time but the best way to finish is to start right?! Once I am done I would like to get a nursing manager/supervisor job which will allow me to have much better hours then the ones I work right now-no more weekends, nights and holidays! So it's back to the books for me :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Swimming lessons

 Summer equals swimming lessons! Axel did such a good job this year. We didn't do much swimming in Alaska because the summers were much cooler then in MN. Axel passed his first group and learned how to be confident in the water. He even jumped off the diving board! What a brave boy :)

     Abel playing on the side while waiting for his big bro.

Monday, July 22, 2013

3rd times a charm :)

So we have a little BIG news to share. We are having a baby! Holy crap! We are going to have three kids. I am still pretty early but we are never very good at keeping news like this a secret. Our parents already know so I thought I would share it here. If all goes well we will be having a baby at the end of March. We are so excited!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Here look at my eye Mom!

Here are a few things that I don't want to forget about Axel at age 5.
*Every time he brushes his teeth in the morning he will stop when he hits his "pee tooth" and have to got the bathroom.
*When I say I Love you. He will respond "Love you more".
*He is a good big brother and tells me that he has Abel's back no matter what. Then he will kick him :) But after that he will invite him to his room to play.
*He likes to pretend to be a spy, a zombie, a vampire, a super hero or a teenager (then every thing relates to that topic for the whole day- like strawberries turn into blood berries when he is a vampire).
*He likes dino's, lego's, pillow forts, or doing any thing outside.
*He is starting swimming lessons next week and started gymnastic's this summer- he is SO excited about both.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


I've been meaning to share this video. This is Axel at cousin Tommy's playing the drums. He thought it was the coolest!
Funny Axel story-

He came upstairs last night after watching TV. He asked me Mom have you ever heard of the No- No? I said that I wasn't sure why? He then started to repeat the WHOLE commercial about the No No shaving system. He said no worries- it's not a razor, not a laser its the NO NO. Then he kept going- if your not happy in not 30, but 60 days you can return it and get all your money back! He went through all the colors, where you can use it and every thing. It was so funny- he was so serious. He made me want to order it just because he sold it to me so well. Maybe a car sales man in the making? That's fine dude- just sell some thing your Mom wants to drive- BMW, Porsche, Volvo -hint hint :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

2 years stats-Abel

sugar dounuts

won't take a nap in bed, but loves the chair
Abel finally had his 2 year doctor visit- only 2 months late. He has been sick this week with a fever, runny nose and a cough-again! Poor kid. He was finally healthy and didn't have a cough but now it's back. I blame the fair and germy kids! Yuck- stay away from my little dude. He just doesn't get a break.
weight- 23 punds 10 ounces (under 3 %- he was hanging around 10% so this is quite a drop. He hasn't been eating well all week and doesn't have much of a reserve.) We will be rechecking his weight in a few weeks.
height- 2 feet 11 inches (28%- almost in the middle right? )
So of course my kiddo is little and the Dr is concerned of his weight gain. Axel was always at 5% until he was 5 years old I think! They are just little but do catch up. I understand her concern because of the drop since the last time he was at the Dr. He eats great most of the time, just not when he's sick. I hope to get him to eat a lot in the next few weeks so with his next visit he will show weight gain.
It still blows me away that he is 2! Man did this last 2 years go fast.
Things he is into:
-slowing getting more words-lot's of words only we understand. It's crazy because he understands everything just can't say it yet. If you ask him a question like "wheres the bowls, or can you find me a dino?" he can find or show us any thing-just not yet verbalize it all.
-He loves giving kisses and hugs- I LOVE this
-Is a daddy's boy! he totally digs me too, but nothing compares to Dad!
-LOVES to roar at us. He can do this for 15 minutes straight and will laught every time if you act scared.
-Loves to be outside doing any thing. Some days I have to literally drag him in the house.
-Getting so independent. Has to do this on his own. He so thinks he is Axel's age :)
-Is great at climbing- chairs, tables, any thing that he can get on top of.

I know that I always forget things when I write but I'm sure I'll think of them on my way home from work. This is all I got tonight- night shifts do not make me creative or a good writer! :)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

4th of July

Watching the parade with cousin Ethan
 4th of July! I love that our town has a parade and fair on the 4th. Our house is right on the parade route! So much fun for the boys to be in our own yard watching every one go by. I may have gone picture crazy but I love my new camera!

 Another favorite of the summer- fires and roasting marsh mellows.

Fire in our diveway

Rides at the fair

Cruising with my brother


Axel getting ready for the trampoline

Not scared at all



More rides

Ferris wheel


Abel loved the chicks

Cheers to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer time fun

I love this first picture. Abel's pouting face. It's hard being the little brother some times. Summer is finally here. I always can't wait for summer but then when it's here it goes by so fast. We have had a great summer so far. It has been full of playing outside, family trips and brother's hanging out.
Sleeping bags in a hotel

Juice boxes in the dersert

Yard work


Painting with Q-Tips

Picnic lunch in the living room
                     July 1st already? Slow down summer. We just are getting into the groove.