Thursday, September 27, 2012

The movers are here!

Abel leaning how to brush his teeth. He loves his toothbrush. He is starting to get 4 molar teeth. I thought he wasn't sleeping well the last few weeks because he was in a pack in play but then I saw the pesky little molars popping through. Tricky little things.

                                          Bath time is one of my favorite times of the day.
 The boys and I have been trying to enjoy my time off. We have been bored with the empty house so we haev been walking around Cannon finding parks close to our house and Axel loves that we can walk to the bakery-not so good for Mom. We are going to have to limit the bakery walk to once a week! Finally our stuff showed up this week! Yeah. Now the fun of unpacking. The duck pond is a good place to take a break from all the choas in the house.

                                               Hey, I thought the bread was for the ducks.
Who needs a real double stroller? Luckly Abel doesn't mind sharing his space with his brother. It'll be so nice once we get all of our gear unpacked.
 The moving truck is here!!! Tuesday night was the best night of sleep I've had in a long time. Tonight we are sitting ont he couch watching a movie. Things are starting to feel settled. Now back to the boxes.....

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