Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 6

Day 6- Helena, MT to Cannon Falls, MN (drove some where around 19 hours)

Okay so this day was a very long and straining day. Nothing happend or any thing it was just a really long day. We got into South Dakota and thought it can't be that far from MN we don't want to stop. But some thing we that was only 4 hours turned in to some thing more like 8 hours. was way to long to be in the car. The boys did really good and feel asleep. I'm sure Brian wishes I did to by the end of the day. We drove straight to Grandma Ann's house. Once we got there Brian and I were hazy and wiped out but the boys woke up and were ready to play. Grandma's! New toys! I couldn't beleive them-it was only like 2 am! Crazy kids. :) Luckily they did go back to sleep-for a little while.

                                     You know your up to early if the moon is still out!
                                                                      Lunch break

This was a very long day-let me say that one more time! Axel thought it was great that we got to see a dino on the way. Once we got into South Dakota it was hot! I thought we drove to far and ended up in florida or some thing :) The weather was great through Candana but wow-90 degrees! I haven't' felt heat like that in 2 years. It's was so nice to pull in to MN. The fog was crazy because of the humidity, shich didn't help the end of the drive but I was very happy to see little Cannon Falls, MN. So we are here!

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