Saturday, August 11, 2012

Starting to get ready

Tried to get a shoot of Abel's new tooth on the bottom-3 in all!
Loves Matchbox cars


Axel helping dad test out the car for the up coming trip

Abel had to help too!

Such a goofy big brother

Happy boy!
The count down to moving back to MN has really begun! We are down to three weeks. Wow.. it'll come up fast. We did a run through of all the stuff we are going to pack in the car. (to see how much we really don't need to bring) The one issue for me is that once our stuff is shipped we won't it in MN for 5 weeks! Yikes that's a long time with out our stuff.  The boys thought it was fun to play around inside the car. Brian and the dog will be driving home to MN and me and the boys will be flying. I'm very nervous for Brian's drive. It's a very long drive. I remember coming up here and nothing compares to the drive to Alaska. The roads are crazy, the stops are few and far between and it takes for ever! My new job is going to cover shipping all of our house stuff back to MN but they won't cover to ship a car. Bummer. We thought about all driving but 5-6 days of driving an average of 10 hours per day does not sound like fun for Abel. So poor Brian will be doing the drive...alone. We are going miss him so much when he's gone. We all have never been apart that long.

1 comment:

jules said...

It must be my pregnancy emotions, but I cried when I read the part about missing Brian cuz you have never been apart that long. :( We are excited to have you back in MN, though!