Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My Turkey's

My 3 turkey's

Pre-school fun
Thanksgiving has come and gone but I wanted to stop and remember all the things I am Thankful for:

* My boys- can't believe how blessed I am to have 3 amazing, crazy, high energy, healthy kids.

* My hubby- Brian I don't say it enough. Thank you for all that you help with me. Your awesome :)

* My mother-in law-Ann you help us so much with the boys. I couldn't do half of the stuff I do with out you!

* Almost being done with another class in graduate school. One more paper and I'll be past the half way mark! Keep on keep on..... soon I'll be done and be able to look back and reflect. Right now I'm still checking things off one paper or class at a time.

* Pickles and yoga- I can't get enough of of either them.

I could go on and on- my job, that Brian has a job, Schwan's deliver service, having winter boots and snow pants, etc.   It has been a blessed year and I truly am humbled each day.  It's always a good reminder to take a second to reflect on all the goodness I have around me.

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