Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas 2015 Part 1

Merry Christmas!

Abel age 4
Ansel age 21 months

Axel age 7

Opening presents

Dad :)

Mom's new shades & more Star Wars stuff!

Music player, science kit & animals

Axel playing with his mini drone

Axel 2nd grade crafts

School crafts
Abel pre-school

Making cookies with Mom for Santa

Merry Christmas every one!  I can't believe that the holidays came so fast.  It seems the years go faster and faster!  Here was how our families Christmas started.  Mom didn't have to work- which is always a good start!  We made cookies, left reindeer food out, open presents & more presents.  We stayed in our comfy clothes, watched Christmas movies with hot chocolate, built lot's of Lego sets & played board games.  It has been a wonderful 2 days at home together.  Next we get to celebrate with the cousins, aunts, uncles & grandparent's! 

1 comment:

jules said...

Merry Christmas!!!! :) Such fun cute pics of the boys!