Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas 2015 Part 2 & 3

Hamblin Christmas

Merry Christmas from my family :)
My parent's, Grandma Bev, my siblings & all the kids
- the group sure has grown!

More presents!

My parent's- the Yogi's & their new mats :)

Just a little bit of gambling

Forced love with Stella & Ansel
-they are only 2 months apart in age

Axel's new PJ's

Rapp Family Christmas

Kid table

All the kids & Grandma
-Ansel was not super into the pictures
The whole group!
-on my selfie stick- still learning my angles :)

Axel's feather pillow!
-Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Coughlin!
-It was on his list and they sent it to him- he LOVES it!!

And more presents!

Axel's new bed set up- comforter, sheets & a feather pillow!
He was in heaven!!

A painting that Axel did in school- framed
-One of my most favorite gifts!!
Well the holidays are here and gone.  I can't believe how fast it all goes.  We had a wonderful time with each of our families.  The boys love hanging with their cousins & seeing their Grandparent's.  I got to met my twin sister's boyfriend for the first time- didn't get a picture of him I guess-next year :) He was super nice and I'm so happy for her. We ate way to much food on each side, more cookies & more presents.  We are so blessed with having family all around us to spend the holidays with!  I hope every one had a great Christmas.  Now on to the next year....

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas 2015 Part 1

Merry Christmas!

Abel age 4
Ansel age 21 months

Axel age 7

Opening presents

Dad :)

Mom's new shades & more Star Wars stuff!

Music player, science kit & animals

Axel playing with his mini drone

Axel 2nd grade crafts

School crafts
Abel pre-school

Making cookies with Mom for Santa

Merry Christmas every one!  I can't believe that the holidays came so fast.  It seems the years go faster and faster!  Here was how our families Christmas started.  Mom didn't have to work- which is always a good start!  We made cookies, left reindeer food out, open presents & more presents.  We stayed in our comfy clothes, watched Christmas movies with hot chocolate, built lot's of Lego sets & played board games.  It has been a wonderful 2 days at home together.  Next we get to celebrate with the cousins, aunts, uncles & grandparent's! 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Lunch Date

A fancy drink in a glowing cup
We are ready for food!



Family sized servings!

Both boys with their mouth WIDE open! 

He couldn't believe they let a naked man at the table!

Brian skipped out of work early the other day and brought us out to lunch. (sorry Axel you were at school) We went to our most favorite place- Buca di beppo.  We love Italian food. It's so much more fun bringing the kids out now that they actually eat :)  Thanks for the lunch date Brian- we all ate way too much.  We even tried cannoli's for the first time. (super yummy)