Monday, August 4, 2014

Ansel 5 months

Baby A is 5 months old! This is what he have been up to this month.
Sleeping: I had to start with this one because he sleeps great. Most nights in bed at 9-ish pm and sleeps until around 7 am.  The only down fall on this sleep in that he doesn't sleep during the day much.  He will take maybe one or two 20 minute cat naps- if I'm luckily.  But I would rather be busy all day and get to sleep all night!
Eating:  Breast Milk and formula.  Baby A has started to ween himself from breast feeding.  This makes me sad and Brian tells me not to stress on it but it bums me out.  He will still nurse in the morning and in the middle of the night when he wakes up. Otherwise during the day he does not want to latch on much.  I have continued to pump about every 4 hours.  Pumping is always the part I don't like about breast feeding.  I like to hold my little dude and snuggle.  Not carry around a pump every where I go. My supply has also started to drop on it's own. This bums and stresses me also but I will continue to try and do what I can for as long as my body allows.  I always envy the women who have an endless supply of breast milk.  I'm willing to put the effort and time into it I just always struggle keeping up. Food- We started to play with food a little. Ansel has been  interested lately while we are eating. He has tried baby oatmeal, carrots and banana's.  It's so fun when a new phase comes around! He really likes the food but is still learning to use a spoon.  You know how it goes- re-scraping the same spoon full off his face three times! So much fun :)
New Tricks:  This month you have learned to roll over! I was the first one to see it too!!! So awesome. It always seems like I miss the first time stuff so I was elated to see him do it first. Drooling- lot's of drool the month to. Always sucking on his hand of any thing he can grab with his hands.  Loves to plays with toys and hold things in hands.  Can almost hold his own bottle.
Brothers:  Baby A loves to watch his brothers.  They are both so helpful with him and love to talk with him and show all the cool boy stuff that he still needs to learn.
Other stuff:  Ansel loves to be outside and going for stroller rides.


jules said...

What a cutie! Cutest kids ever. :) You guys do good.

Rapp family fun said...

Thanks Julie! I think they are pretty awesome.