Wednesday, August 27, 2014

It all started with a Door

 This is How it all started... A Door. We have turned the basement family room in to our bedroom. (living in a split level house)This allows each person to have their own bedroom. (we have 3 rooms up stairs) Our new bedroom is nice and big- with a bathroom and a storage room that will be converted to a closet- a huge closet! But the one big flaw was that we did not have a door on our bedroom. Then we found this oak door at a garage sale for $20. Like always one 'tiny' project morphed into another 'bigger' project. But in the end I have a door and new tile in my bedroom, closet and laundry room. 
So nice to have a door!
Uncle James starting the floors
 Thanks to my brother James we did all the floors on our own. It was frustrating and fun to learn how to tile. :)
It has begun!

Half way
Brian working on the grout

Dark grout- the only way to go

Almost done

My knees do not like grouting

Proof that I did a little work :)

In the cloest

I don't have a picture of our room with the finished project yet. Some day when my room is clean and I have pictures on the wall I'll share a picture. But I love the new floors. So easy to clean and look great. They may be a little cold in the winter but gives me an excuse to wear slippers. Thanks again to my baby Bro for helping us!

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