Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Just some thoughts

So for some reason my blog doesn't want to download any pictures for me today or yesterday. I'll try again later. This is what is going on with us. I officially finally started graduate school last week. Yikes and exciting. I should be writing my first paper right now but instead I am finding my zen on my blog :) I'm taking only one class- since I'm 32 weeks prego and it'll help me slowly get back into the groove. My class is Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Practice Nursing. Sounds boring right? Well so far besides all the boring theory stuff- which is a lot- the class it pretty interesting. As a part of my practicum for the class I get to meet a energy healer and get credit for prenatal yoga! Can't beat that. I am going to focus all of my healing processes on the pregnant body- since it fits my condition. It will be very interesting to see all the options out there.

The boys are doing well. Getting a little stir crazy with this cold weather though. We have hardly been outside to play because it's just to cold. It sounds backwards but we played out side way more when we lived in Alaska! The winters were longer but much warmer. (in Anchorage anyways) My boys love to be out side too so they are just itching to play in the snow. Hopefully things will get better next month? I finally got some cute snow pictures with them- I'll share once my blog is being friendly again.

On the bump watch: 32 weeks along. I am uncomfortable and achy a lot. The prenatal yoga helps though. I am still working full time and 12 hour shifts. I am very tired and worn out by the end of my day. I felt dizzy and had a headache the other day at work. Of course working right next to a bunch of nurses can be helpful- the had me sit down and checked my blood pressure. Well it was a little elevated. I called my doctor because all the girls at work said I should.  I ended up being monitored that night for a few hours. My blood pressure returned to normal and the baby is doing wonderful. It was so fun to hear him. I am starting to have contractions on and off also. You could see them on the monitor. Nothing that really stops me for to long but I do feel them. I have my next doctor appointment on Friday. So for now we continue on. I hope to keep working as many hours as I can for a bit longer. We will see how Friday goes. I always get frustrated at this point. I know it's to early for baby to arrive, I feel good for the most part just can't do all that I like to do anymore. Time to slow down Shanna.....

1 comment:

Greta said...

You lived in Alaska??? That is pretty awesome. The only state I haven't visited, so when we finally go I will have to get your recommendations. :) Anyway, congrats on grad school - you'll have to blog about the energy healer. Very interesting! and 32 weeks???? SO CLOSE!