Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Just some thoughts

So for some reason my blog doesn't want to download any pictures for me today or yesterday. I'll try again later. This is what is going on with us. I officially finally started graduate school last week. Yikes and exciting. I should be writing my first paper right now but instead I am finding my zen on my blog :) I'm taking only one class- since I'm 32 weeks prego and it'll help me slowly get back into the groove. My class is Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Practice Nursing. Sounds boring right? Well so far besides all the boring theory stuff- which is a lot- the class it pretty interesting. As a part of my practicum for the class I get to meet a energy healer and get credit for prenatal yoga! Can't beat that. I am going to focus all of my healing processes on the pregnant body- since it fits my condition. It will be very interesting to see all the options out there.

The boys are doing well. Getting a little stir crazy with this cold weather though. We have hardly been outside to play because it's just to cold. It sounds backwards but we played out side way more when we lived in Alaska! The winters were longer but much warmer. (in Anchorage anyways) My boys love to be out side too so they are just itching to play in the snow. Hopefully things will get better next month? I finally got some cute snow pictures with them- I'll share once my blog is being friendly again.

On the bump watch: 32 weeks along. I am uncomfortable and achy a lot. The prenatal yoga helps though. I am still working full time and 12 hour shifts. I am very tired and worn out by the end of my day. I felt dizzy and had a headache the other day at work. Of course working right next to a bunch of nurses can be helpful- the had me sit down and checked my blood pressure. Well it was a little elevated. I called my doctor because all the girls at work said I should.  I ended up being monitored that night for a few hours. My blood pressure returned to normal and the baby is doing wonderful. It was so fun to hear him. I am starting to have contractions on and off also. You could see them on the monitor. Nothing that really stops me for to long but I do feel them. I have my next doctor appointment on Friday. So for now we continue on. I hope to keep working as many hours as I can for a bit longer. We will see how Friday goes. I always get frustrated at this point. I know it's to early for baby to arrive, I feel good for the most part just can't do all that I like to do anymore. Time to slow down Shanna.....

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Abel's Army guys

                                                        Abel playing with his army guys.
 He has changed so much over the last few months. I love how he plays by himself or with his big brother now. He loves to pretend things- like being a cowboy (he calls it a He-Ha), a super hero (he calls it a ship guy- like a space man), a "bad guy", or just being some one else in the family- like "I dad or I Axel."
 Bed times have become a fight again. He sleeps well but it's the staying in bed that's the hard part. I think on average we end up bringing him back to his bed 8 times! I don't know when this changed and became an issue but it is. He was doing so well. I hope this will again be easy- maybe before baby is here would be nice?
 He says the cutest things. And in full sentences. Most of the time every body can understand them now too. He loves to ask Why. "Why you doing that?" "Why you go to work?" "Why go night?" (going to sleep)
 He loves how silly is dad and big brother are. "Axel you funny", "Dad you weally (really) funny", "Mom you silly too." He gives hugs and kisses a lot. I love this phase for that. I know they grow out -of it so I take every one I can get. The best words he says clear now- "I wuv you Mom" or "I weally wuv you."
He loves his dogs and his big brother Axel. He will do any thing Axel asks him to. Some times this is a good things other times I feel bad for him. No worries Abel you too will get your chance at being a big brother. Lets hope you remember how you feel when you big bro is mean to you.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Science experiments

We have been having fun with science. We have tried and failed a few experiments with the boys last year- the glowing Mt. Dew bottle, the frozen bubbles in the cold, etc. Not sure where I go wrong but that is the learned lesson of science- it's not a promised practice. So this year we are starting out on a good note. (helps that we just buy a kit) Both of the boys had so much fun learning about volcanos and watching it erupt!

you have to touch and smell science some times :)

hum...what is going to happen?


Watching it until the last bubble is done
                             What will we try next?! So happy that my boys enjoy my love for science.

Friday, January 10, 2014

29 weeks

Bump Watch:
Taking in the view while drinking some glucose juice
Bump updates:
29 weeks! Yeah Finally in the third trimester. This week I had to have my glucose check. They check every pregnant lady for gestational diabetes. It's because the prego body ends up needing more insulin then before and some times the body doesn't keep up. I guess it happens in 18% of pregnancies. Well I did my 1 hour test and sorta failed it. They have you drink this sugar drink and then an hour later check your sugar level. Mine was just a little high- at 142. They wanted it at 130 or lower. (maybe I shouldn't have drank a Mt Dew with my breakfast that day? ) So right now that doesn't mean any thing it just means that I have to take the 3 hour test. You have to drink the juice again and they watch your levels over a 3 hour time period. I had to take the 3 hour test with Axel and did just fine. So for now I'll wait and see.

Heart Rate: Baby A is trucking along right at 130-135. The nurse midwife had a hard time finding his heart beat and keeping it on him because he was moving SO much during my visit. I can now see my stomach move from the outside when he is really kicking around in their!

Measurements: I have gained weight- oh yes. I think so far around 30 pounds. Yikes! It's about the same with my other two pregnancies so I guess it's just what happens to my body. I'll worry about it later this summer. They also measure your fundus height- which sorta tells your the size of the body. Not an exact science. They do it with a tape measure from your pelvis to the top of the uterus. (pelvis line to top of tummy) Well so far I had be measuring right on to the week of gestation. But this week I measured at 33 weeks! Umm...which is like almost 4 weeks ahead. Maybe baby just went through a growth spurt and will level out before my next visit? I do feel quite round but that's what I should be right?

How I'm feeling: I feel pretty good for the most part. I'm starting to feel very achy and sore a lot. My hips hurt all the time and it's hard to get comfortable when I sleep. I'm still working full time- 12 hour shifts. By the end of my shift I am very tired and sore. I hope to keep working as long as I can. My blood pressure has been good so far. I ended up with hypertension- or high BP- with both of my other pregnancies. With Axel is didn't happen until 36 weeks and Abel it was at 30 weeks. So we keep watching it closely but so far so good! I haven't been getting headaches and that was a the first sign last time. Just keep getting by a week at a time.

Things are starting to get close. I know I feel it's really far away but in all reality I am going to have a baby boy to hold in 10 weeks! Holy Cow. I can't wait. I finally had a baby dream last night. I haven't had one yet. He was so cute and I couldn't stop kissing him. All for now :)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy Birthday Axel

 Happy 6th Birthday Axel! He got to choose his party this year. He wanted to go to Chuck-E-Cheese. We ate pizza, played games, enjoyed cupcakes and got a lot of tickets to trade in for one little silly prize. Axel thought it was the best! It was great to see the adults join into the game fun- even great- Grandma Bev!
Jammin on the guitars

Games and more games

Ticket Blaster

Birthday Boy and his brother enjoying cupcakes
6 years already?! I spent the morning telling Axel all about the first time I got to see him, the time he was born and some of the details of that day. He liked hearing about who came to see him and how I didn't set him down for at least 4 hours! And then it was only to let dad hold him :) He thought it was funny that I counted all of his moles and smelled his head the whole first night. I am so proud of the boy is has become and who he is growing into. Axel you are so smart, sassy and funny- please don't change! I love you and can't wait for all that is to come this year.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Pintrest projects

So I'm actually posting some thing that doesn't have my kids involved. Crazy huh?! It feels good :) Any ways I just have learned or I should say caved into the fun of Pintrest. I have been working too many night shifts and it sucked me in. There are so many things to find and look up there. I love all the house décor ideas and was telling Brian about how I thought we could maybe actually create some of them. I showed him a picture of the first one- the top picture- he was like you want to hang a pallet on the wall? Once he saw the picture he got the idea. I came home from work the next morning and he had it on the wall with  all the pictures and stockings in place. Such an amazing hubby! Luckily he had a few extra pallets around his factory that he could create with. The second picture I showed him and once again while I was working nights over Christmas him and the boys went to the factory and built it for me. Fun to create things that come from his factory and it helps me fill some of my walls. What will be our/his next project.....