Friday, December 13, 2013

The Holiday Train

The Holiday train

The boys and I braved the cold last night to see the holiday train. We got to see the train pull up, hear it's horn, watch the band and even see Santa. Axel was bummed because he didn't get a candy cane from Santa- but he reassured me it wasn't the real Santa any ways. Abel just kept saying "Mom Ho HO." That's what he calls Santa. It was freezing out but fun to see all the lights on the train.


jules said...

Hahaha. Mack calls Santa "Ho Ho" as well!!! ;) That is hilarious. Where is the holiday train? I've never heard of it!!!

Rapp family fun said...

I saw the train in Hastings, but I've heard of it all over MN. I just wanted to catch it close to home. It was pretty fun- trying to do some of these "winter fun" things I guess! :)