Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bump watch- 23 weeks

23 weeks. I think it's just the angle of the picture but man I sure am fully round already. I was looking back at picture of me pregnant with Abel and I think I look close to the same. :)

How things have been going:
Since every pregnant lady love their baby being compared to a piece of fruit- this week the baby is the size of a grape fruit.
The middle part of pregnancy is always the best for me. I feel good- just round :) I sleep pretty well for the most part but do struggle some night with restlessness. I feel like time is at a stand still but at the same time realize that things are going pretty fast. I had fun shopping the other weekend for some baby clothes (since I donated all of our baby clothes last year- because we were totally done with having babies)  Funny how a year can change our minds! I will be keeping all of Abel's clothes from here on out. Working night shifts do not agree with this baby. I did it with Axel and it never bothered me but this time I have been having a hard time with them. I have to work both nights and days- switching about every 4 weeks. Yuck- some days a normal schedule sounds really nice to me. As least I only work 3 days a week- 12 hours shifts though. Over all so far so good. I feel the baby move every day! Love all of his movements- mostly after I eat.

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