Saturday, November 17, 2012

Yummy !

Abel feeding himself yogurt
 Why do I love taking pictures of the boys eating? It seems like some of the most fun things happen around the dinner table. It's when we are all together and have time to learn about each others day and its a great place enjoy all the funny things that boys do.
Axels new way to eat a sugar dounut with out getting his hands dirty
Abel is full time walking now. Finally. He also has to feed himself these days. He loves to scoop his own food-no matter how messy he gets.  Both boys are starting to do better at daycare. Abel had 2 days this week that he went to the teacher in the morning and didn't even cry! Now that was a good morning. Axel is still struggling in the mornings but he is getting better. He said that the afternoon is better because a girl that he thinks is beautiful is there. He said "Mom, I'm going to marry her some day". romantic!

1 comment:

jules said...

Oh my goodness! That is adorable about Axel's newfound love! Hahahaha. :)