Sunday, November 4, 2012

A new week....

Last week was a long week for all of us. Me and the boys all got colds and it was another long daycare week. Abel has been a little fussy in the morning and doesn't want Brian to leave but then it sounds like he does ok. He's been napping better and eaing great. Axel on the other hand has been having a hard time. He has to start his mornings in the 3 year old class because the daycare groups the two classes until more kids show up. He only has to be in the room for about 30 minutes but he hates it. He cries in the morning when Brian drops him off and he cries when I ask him about it. When I pick him up at the end of the day he is happy and says he had a good day but he gets super bummed about the morning. I can't get to the bottom of what is really bugging him. He says that the 3 years don't play with him and he gets sad. Poor buddy. It's hard being new. I told him stories about me being new and how I meet new friends the last two weeks. It seemed to help him and he even said hey there's a kid with a Spiderman backpack. I bet we have some thing in common. So this week Mom is going to bring the boys in (I don't work Monday-Wednesday) we will start the day a little later (maybe even with a little chocolate milk and cartoons) and hope that it goes better. It will get better Axel. Mom has been stressed being the new kid on the block also!

1 comment:

jules said...

Ohhh.....Yeah, new daycare is so heartbreaking! Mack is actually loving his now, but on Halloween they emailed over some photos, and for some reason it just made me so sad, seeing him sitting at a table with the other boys, eating his lunch. :(

A month. Give it a month. It'll be better!