Monday, January 2, 2012

Snowy New Year's

Happy New Year's to everyone! 2012... New Year's eve is Brian's Birthday-Happy B-day honey. The boys got their dad a HUGE gummy bear. :) It was 5 pounds and 11 inches! Axel thought it was the coolest-hey buddy that's for your dad!
The best 6,000 cal gift ever!
Of course a part of the day was spent dealing with the snow. When will it end? Axel could be out side all day.
I remember piles of snow that big when I was a kid.
I miss the days of sitting on my deck with the sun shining.
I've been trying to get a picture of Abel's little teeth that are starting to pop through. Not yet-He just moves way to much. Mom will keep trying!

1 comment:

jules said...

Oh my! I actually miss the snow. We finally got a little, but can still see grass.....Boooooo. Time for summer!