Abel is 8 months old!

Brothers on the rocking chair

Abel has two teeth now-2 on the bottom. He has been sampling a bunch of new foods. His new favorite is pancakes and goldfish crackers. He even got to try a french fry the other day when we went out to eat. He thought it was very interesting. He army crawls all over-there is no stopping him now. He does not like to sit though-we are still working on that one. Another big one is that we stopped breast feeding :( I feel bittersweet about that one. Abel has been weaning him self for the last month and then he also likes to use his teeth. Ouch... So it was mutual I guess. I was very sad last Monday when I didn't bring my pump to work. We made it to 8 months-not to bad Mom.

Abel playing in the bath

Brian went to get the mail the other day and he saw this guy across the street. Can you see him between the neighbors houses?

He's still there-eating the branches. There is so much snow here I heard the moose are coming out because they need food and can't find it on the higher grounds any more.

Brian went around the neighbors house to get a close up.
1 comment:
Oh my goodness! A moose! Hahaha. Didn't expect that. ;)
Wow. Moving around? ;) Mack shows zero interest. hahaha. But he HATES any position except for sitting. Funny how every baby is so different!
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