Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wonderful Spring weekend

It's a beautiful spring weekend here in Alaska. The temp's are around 50 degrees and a lot of the snow has melted. We went to a park/trails down by the ocean. It was really nice to be outside and enjoy the weather. Axel loved all the mud every where and had a blast getting nice and dirty!
View of one of the mountain ranges across the ocean, half of the water it is still icy. I should learn all the mountain's names but there are so many I don't know all of them yet.
Axel taking a break during our walk.
Dad and Axel getting adventurous down by the ocean. I'm still a little top heavy these days so I stayed back to take pictures!
Cheese! I can't wait for summer!! It's almost here. The days are getting longer-we gain about 6 minutes of sunshine per day here. Right now the sunrise is around 7am and the sunset is around 9pm. I can't wait to see what the long Alaskan summer days are all about. Luckily we have darkening blinds in all the bedrooms so the kids will sleep? maybe?


jules said...

Oh wow! I forgot about what summer days are like there?! How much sunshine is there?!?!

Rapp family fun said...

I think the longest day is around mid-July and I think the sunsets around midnight and rises again around 4am? We moved here in Sept so i haven't seen a whole summer yet. It should be really interesting! I hope the boys sleep.

Shelly Pagel said...

Axel is so stinkin cute! Greats pics and looks like the shower was fun! : ) Keep resting and keep momma and baby healthy for a few more weeks!