Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bed rest?

The saga continues. I had a week and a half of good blood pressures, then followed by a few bad days. I called the doctor to let her know and then I spent 3 hours Thursday night in the hospital getting my blood pressure and the baby monitored. The baby is doing wonderful, but momma is boarder line. My blood pressure does better when I'm at rest but when I'm up and about it likes to keep creeping up. So the doctor put me on bed rest until Saturday-today. I have to go back to the hospital today at 2pm to get monitored again. Then she decides my fate-bed rest or not. They might even not let me go home on bed rest-YIKES! I'm only 32 weeks. I have a long time left! The bean is good and that's the most important part, but bed rest for how long?! I really hope I can do it at home. Here's hoping that today goes well......

1 comment:

jules said...

Oh my gosh!!! I hope for the best, Shanna! But whatever happens is meant to be....and soon we'll be meeting our little babes!