Yeah we have made it to the 34 week mark! Here is Axel helping the doctor find the baby in mom's tummy.

I think I found him Mom! Wow, I can't believe how round my belly is! Maybe it's just the side view:)

Things have been going well-or at least maintaining. I still have been having high blood pressures but nothing else going on, so we continue to push through each week. I'm so happy that things are good. I feel good, just have high blood pressure. My weight gain so far is around 34 pounds, which isn't to bad. I gained a total of 50 pounds with Axel! The baby should grow around a 1/2 a pound a week now so I'm sure things will keep growing!! We have an ultrasound planned next week to check on baby to make sure the blood pressure isn't stressing him in any way. But from the sound of it things are good and we have a good chance of making it to the end! I'm so ready to meet this little man but I really like the idea of him not coming to early.

Don't worry guys I know how this works.

We got a Wii from our new neighbor friends this week. They had an extra one I guess?! All we had to do was buy the remotes. Brian and I haven't been in to the games systems at all but we've always talked about getting one. Well getting a free console talked us in to it! We had a blast trying to figure it out. I think Axel caught on quicker than we did! (neither of Brian or I have had a games system since the original Nintendo-that sure does date us! )