Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is winter over yet?

Axel playing on my body pillow.
Is winter over yet? We sure are ready for the summer. When we are get outside with out a hundred layers on, go hiking or just chill on the deck. Oh yeah...and the arrival of baby #2! This momma is ready to meet the new little man! I'm as huge as a house, haven't been sleeping very well and my legs/hips are really achy lately. Over all I feel really great but 9 months sure is a long time! We are 24 weeks pregnant now, so we have about 16 weeks left. Hoo hum...

Axel started his first dance class this week. It's a hip hop/jazz class. I didn't know if he would like it but thought we'd give it a chance. It turns out that he had a blast! He said that dance is cool and he wanted to come back next week! Yeah!! I was hoping he would like it. He even fell while busting a move and got a bloody nose. (totally my kid-first day-bloody nose-this is full contact dance!) Once I got him all cleaned up he asked if he could go dance some more. I was so proud of him! He just brushed it off and then was ready to get back in there. He is the only boy in his class but he didn't seem to mind. The dance studio does have a little show in the spring...well see if Axel wants to do his first dance recital. Oh man I can't wait! I mean if he wants to :)


jules said...

Ooohhh!!! I want a kid in dance! I say that to Jeremy all the time! Fun, fun. I tried a hip hop class a couple years ago. I went once. I have 2 left feet. ;) Cheers to 24 weeks!

j said...

Need I even say this . . . YAY!